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playfield resolution and colors


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Do I get that right: When I use the DPC+ kernel, I can either ...


... have a 32 pixel wide and single-scanline playfield, but no color changes

... or have a 32 pixel wide and double-scanline playfield, but have a color change of pfd and background in each double-scanline


Is that correct?



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Yeah, I was being facetious. As mentioned in the blog, Timmy! was inspired by Jumpman. I used to play Jumpman a lot on my C= 64, before I rewrote my VIC-20 BBS software to run on the 64.


While I'm using a DPC+, I'm not using batari Basic - my code is in 6507 assembly and C, which runs on the ARM processor in the Harmony/Melody board.


DPC+ is an updated version of DPC, used in Pitfall 2. We developed DPC+ back in 2010. batari Basic was updated to utilize it, via the DPC+ Kernel option.

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Do I get that right: When I use the DPC+ kernel, I can either ...


... have a 32 pixel wide and single-scanline playfield, but no color changes

... or have a 32 pixel wide and double-scanline playfield, but have a color change of pfd and background in each double-scanline


Is that correct?

IIRC, you have a single-scanline playfield *and* you have playfield and background colors at 2 line resolution. No need to choose.

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You can have a bB DPC+ PF in single line resolution, 32 x 176 from 1 color (DF4FRACINC=0) to DF4FRACINC=255 but that color changes every 2 lines. Same with the background color.


Our DK Arcade 2600 linked in my signature uses single line playfields, but designed very carefully because color changes happen every 2 lines i.e. two scanlines are one color, the next two can be another color, etc.

P0 is the remaining Playfield of the 2600's 40 col playfield, but you can only turn on strips (or all 4 spaces on each side, mirror linked) that run top to bottom.

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