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Season 4 - The New HSC - Week 4 = Mr. Do!


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Awesome, StanJr! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: This is a tough game! Sure that's fair... the pics show it, and remember photo evidence is not a strict requirement -- just much appreciated, especially with great scores.



Thank you for the trust. I would never post a 1st place score without a photo. I love the honor system around here, and we have a great community, but I wouldn't feel right doing something like that. :spidey:

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Just to be clear, since the score has been rolled - The magic number will definitely be "1". Correct?


good question, thanks!


last time "9" was the magic number for a rolled score.

this season we've been counting all rollages 100,000 (or etc.) instead of 99,999 sometimes, and 100,000 others.


so let's go with "1" this time!

This week, players ranking lower will have a chance to take a little more advantage of the bonus. :party:

Edited by S.BAZ
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While we're at discussing fine details of the rules...


I don't know if it has been mentioned before: I like your new scoring system, and I find it quite interesting. I'm very curious how it would compare to the old one (25 points for rank 1, 24 for rank 2, etc. - or 50, 48, 46... last year). Anyone with an Excel fetish and some time on their hands care for keeping a secret score through the season with the old system, so we can see how the rankings would change?

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Is there any reason we are playing the baby skill level?


Likely because we've never played this game before and it looks wise as many of us haven't played Mr. Do! for the 2600 at all.


I don't mind a few easier weeks, as I know that the slaughter is coming.

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Likely because we've never played this game before and it looks wise as many of us haven't played Mr. Do! for the 2600 at all.


I don't mind a few easier weeks, as I know that the slaughter is coming.


Joust was a good challenge to most of us..., so I'm with Stan, I look forward to this easier arcade week.


My strengths are NOT the arcade titles, :D So watch out for me later on... ;)

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mr. Do! I played this like mad as a kid. Still love it to this day. Great pick! :love:


It's a great game on the ol' 2600. You're welcome, this was an oyama/Mister-VCS game suggestion... and choosen for new Season 4 by myself and S.BAZ of course. :-D


We have a good blend of games coming up. So, it's gonna be a good time here :thumbsup:

Edited by JacobZu7zu7
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Did you know you could stick your power ball in the wall of the maze and it will sit there like a land mine waiting for a chomper to gobble it up and be destroyed? It's a neat trick I discovered as a kid. Pretty useless, really, as I would rather have my weapon at the ready, but neat anyway. All you have to do is face the wall and get as close as you can without mowing it down. Press the button and immediately move the joystick in the opposite direction.

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Check out Mr. Do! Contest on 2600 OLD HSC Season 5, Week 7 to read the best and helpful tips written by Kurt Woloch:




I really like that tip where you can shoot enemy through/around the apple if there isn't dirt behind it.


Another tip I can add: If you have one cherry left, stand next to it and try to shoot the remaining enemies. You can get another 500 or 1000 or so pts. extra per screen (especially earlier screens). Or an EXTRA letter. Of course, don't do this with a cherry near the enemy re-spawning area in the middle. Stay right by the cherry so you can end the screen if an enemy quickly approaches.


I had one game where I saw a glitch. There was an apple on the very bottom of the screen. Two blue chompers were on each side of the rock and seemed stuck to it! I wish I had video. It only happened once. Anyone else see this glitch before?

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