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Best score: Crossfire!

Rob Mitchell

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Some of those scores confuse me...for example Archon. What does 100.00% mean?? You would think that the score in that game would be how quickly you won (and no spells were used, no men hit/damaged, all points captured AND all enemies killed). Doesn't that sound like better rules?

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We moved from a static 'text' page to a database system for tracking and reporting scores. 100% means that is the top score and subsequent scores are a % of that one.


Having said that - Not everything translated the way we wanted it. We were tracking Archon on # of pieces lost - Some folks like myself have beaten the game without losing a piece - For scoring type issues on the 800 series you can contact Ron Corcoran (who lurks around here also) - He would appreciate any feedback such as this to make the scoring tables better.

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I think that it should follow some kind of point loss system (like Chess uses). Using a spell subtracts a number of points, losing a warrior loses others (depending on rank), etc. More difficult feats (like completing the entire game using only a "pawn") might be too hard to calculate without computer intervention. I'll try to think up a concise model, though.

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Remember it has to be reasonbile for an average gamer to play and calculate their score so any ches point scoring system and spell counting might be a tad overboard.



That shouldnt stop you from posting such a feat. Individual feats are recognized just the same if way above and beyond the normal.

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Yup...that's why the original suggestion was just to use time (# of moves) while avoiding all negatives (spells, lost creatures, all powerpoints and enemies). That's simple enough for anyone to keep track of...though the # of moves and spells used would still be in question without a witness.

As it is...I can complete the game in two full cycles (white to black twice) using just one of the unicorns :) Can't remember how many turns that is. My stratagy is to go right after the sorceress ASAP...and all the other characters will come to you trying to regain control of the rightmost powerpoint...while you sneak the archers over to the other points. If it works OK, you can scoot Djinni over to the center after moving the unicorn off the mark...and then move it back. Works most of the time...but sometimes the last goblin will get brave and charge your line instead of recapturing the powerpoint.


More complex scoring (like who killed who, the amount of time you've controlled a powerpoint, how many peices were moved) would be impossible for anybody else but a Braniac to keep track of.

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