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I have started modding some of my favourite ST PSU's for people who are unable to upgrade them themselves. These are now on sale in my webstore.http://www.exxoshost.co.uk/atari/last/store.htm


These have had all the supply rail caps for 5V/12V/400V replaced. These are not cheap capacitors, but quality branded high ripple high temp caps. Also replaced is the under rated bridge rectifier. I opted for a much larger higher current version which will operate much cooler. Main solder joints all re-soldered and any other iffy looking joints. These PSU's are ideal to replace failing ones and offer much better regulation than most other brands. So these are ideal if you are looking to upgrade your machine and need more juice from the internal PSU.

For those who have not seen my work on PSU's then please visit my website http://www.exxoshost.co.uk/atari/last/psu/index.htm

As always, all revenue generated is pumped back into the Atari development fund pot!

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