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Multisprite, third sprite not showing

Retro Lord

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I'm a bit rusty with the multisprite and I can't get the third sprite too show up. Any idea why?

  rem CODE INSPIRED BY Atarius Maximus at http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=109288

   includesfile multisprite_bankswitch.inc
   set kernel multisprite
   set romsize 8k
 set smartbranching on

  player0x = 81
  player0y = 20

 player2x = 81 : player2y = 40
 player4x = 81 : player4y = 50
 player3x=81 : player3y=60


                                  dim _P1_L_R = player1x.a
                                  dim _P1_U_D = player1y.b

                                  dim _P2_L_R = player2x.c
                                  dim _P2_U_D = player2y.d

                                  dim _P5_L_R = player5x.k
                                  dim _P5_U_D = player5y.l

                                  dim _P0_L_R = player0x.i
                                  dim _P0_U_D = player0y.j

                                  dim _P4_L_R = player4x.p
                                  dim _P4_U_D = player4y.w

                                  dim _P3_L_R = player3x.s
                                  dim _P3_U_D = player3y.z









        if joy0right then _P0_L_R = _P0_L_R + 1.00
        if joy0left then _P0_L_R = _P0_L_R - 1.00

 _P2_U_D = _P2_U_D-1.00

 _P3_U_D = _P3_U_D-1.00

 _P4_U_D = _P4_U_D-1.00

 goto main
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This just made me realise I have an unused sprite in my multisprite game FLAPPY!

I never used virtual player1!


player0 and player1 are real hardware registers.

An exception had to be made to refer to the virtual player1 and not the hardware player1.

In a multisprite kernel "player1" is reused for player1, player2, on up to player5 (for the multisprite kernel) and up to player9 (for the DPC+ kernel).


So to define and use "virtual player1", _player1 is the code.




Hope this helps.

Since _player1 is a special case command, I see I avoided it completely when making FLAPPY. :D


Edit: I also found I could not detect collision with player0 (that giant green pipe) and the bird sprite, so there is a missile1 hidden in the bird sprite/position.

I liked this missile use for three reasons:

1. It made collision detection with the pipe work.

2. When falling, the missile sometimes appears outside the bird sprite, I think it looks like a feather.

3. It allows the top and bottom of the bird to graze or touch the pipe without triggering a collision which I liked better than "pixel perfect" collision death.

Edited by iesposta
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