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Making A.I shoot back?

Retro Lord

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I'm a bit lost on this one. I'm trying to figure out how to make the a.i fire at the player depending on if the player is left or right to the a.i


I basically tried something like this, but that don't work at all:

 if d=0 then missile1x=player1x : missile1y=player1y
 if d=1 then missile1x=missile1x+1
 if d=2 then missile1x=missile1x-1

 if player0x<player1x then d=2
 if player0x<player1x then d=1
 if missile1x<10 then d=0
 if missile1x>135 then d=0
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Would this help?

 dim fire = a
 player1x = 50 : player1y = 50
 player0x = 70 : player0y = 50
 fire = 0
   COLUBK = $00 : COLUP1= $5A : COLUP0= $0A
 if joy0up then player0y = player0y - 1
 if joy0down then player0y = player0y + 1
 if joy0left then player0x = player0x - 1              
 if joy0right then player0x = player0x + 1
 if player0x > player1x then fire = 1 : c=%00000010
 if  player0x < player1x then fire = 1 : c=%00000001
 if fire = 1 && c{0} then missile1x = player1x - e : missile1y = player1y - 1
 if fire = 1 && c{1} then missile1x = player1x + 1 + e : missile1y = player1y - 1
 if e>60 then e=0 : fire = 0 : missile1x = 0 : missile1y = 0
 goto loop 

spaceship code.bas.bin

Edited by ultima
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