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Season 4 - The New HSC - Week 6 = Pitfall!


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87,980. No tunnels. I always knew the tunnels were shortcuts, but actually mapping them out takes all the fun away for me. Same with memorizing the path on the tip sheet.


and... I'm enjoying the Winter here in Oregon (cold but mostly shiny lately)


It's no Florida, but I wouldn't call it cold in Portland. Maybe it's colder where you are. But then, I was in Minnesota and Kansas before I came here so I may have a different definition of "cold." :)


Edited by KaeruYojimbo
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Hey guys,

looks like I still need to have my Frogger score adjusted according to my 11:58pm post, and the overall too.


Going to be another weird week for me in the HSC: my son (played previously under Darth Kinzer) had his appendix rupture and has been in the hospital since Monday. Won't be home again til after this weekend, so I might not have a chance to play.


(so last week's points might matter at the end of the season)

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Participation point.


I played the guts out of this game when it was new and made it to the 114,000 maximum, back then. I had a multiple pages of notebook paper (maybe still do somewhere) that had instructions for every screen: the hazards, the valuables, and directions on which way to exit the screen to get all the points and stay on a 20 minute path.


For this week, I really couldn't get up the gumption to give this a serious effort, again, knowing I wouldn't get close that 30 year-old score.


On the weather topic, my sister-in-law lives in West Virginia and it was minus 15 degrees actual temp at her place.




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when following the optimal route from the map, does anybody else try to use memory aids to know when the correct tunnel is coming up? That's the only way I could remember the route without stopping (wish 2600 had a pause feature!) and checking that map over & over.


For example, after the 4th tunnel access which is from screens 186 to 180, I call that the '5 silvers run' . I just keep running and collecting treasures, and when I've collected the 5th silver bar, I know the next screen is Fire and the next screen I drop down for a long tunnel run. similarly the final little 3-scorpion run from screens 38 to 26 - I know screen 38 is approaching when I see Silver/Fire/Diamond ring screens in a row. 4 screens after the ring, I drop down again. this one is easy to remember to double back to the right, because you run under the final treasure (gold bar).

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I've always used the score as a reference for the underground passages. Thirty-three years ago there were no maps. As the video shows, I go right at the start to the first gold bar, then back left. After getting the first money bag, my score is now 8,000. The second underground is the first ladder going left from the money bag (2 scorpions). Next ladder up and to the right to the first ring. Score is now 13,000. From here, back left to the third ladder. Down here for the third underground (4 scorpions). Up and continue left. After a money bag, 2 rings and 2 gold bars, score is now 33,000. Now I want the third ladder after the second gold bar for the 4th underground (1 scorpion). Eventually score will be 63,000, then two silvers bars in a row to get to 69,000. The first ladder (one screen left of the fire), left of the second silver bar, is the 5th underground (7 scorpions). Up the ladder and the the right 3 screens for the money bag, then back left. Score is now 71,000. Only one more underground. Score will be 110,000 after getting the last ring. Once again, I want the third ladder from the ring going left. Final underground (3 scorpions). Up to the right for the gold bar. 114,000. Instead of going right at the start, you can take the first screen ladder down and head left, then right over the scorpion to next ladder, down and back left to the first money bag. Same methods apply to this route, except when acquiring the final ring and reaching 110,000, continue on right past the ring to the first ladder. Now down and head left over six scorpions continuing left the the final gold bar. There is a 4,000 point difference in score reference points when I use this route (4k, 9k etc). That's pretty much how I've always played.

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my 1st time finishing it! fun, I've been gravitating toward the Atari a LOT this week!


I screwed up my map, scribbling too fast, but it still worked for me luckily! looking at it I stumbled onto the right way & didn't have to re-work the map :-D



when following the optimal route from the map, does anybody else try to use memory aids to know when the correct tunnel is coming up?


totally! my memory-aids are:


2nd tunnel: "Money Bag" -- (1st tunnel after the $ bag)

3rd tunnel: "2 from 2" -- (2nd tunnel after retreating 2 screens, just out of the 2nd tunnel)

4th tunnel: "2 gold bars" -- (1st tunnel after 2 consecutive gold bars)

5th tunnel: "3 silver bars" -- (1st tunnel after 3 almost-consecutive silver bars)

6th tunnel: "silver diamond" -- (1st tunnel after a silver bar followed by a diamond ring)


(I go right a couple screens after the 1st gold bar & take the tunnel for a 21-screen jump to the left!)


edit: I just looked at oyama's map & I see it is 5 screens to the right of the 1st gold bar. by my count, that puts me 6 screens ahead of NCG's route when I re-emerge.

Edited by S.BAZ
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oyama you need to play it again and get a perfect 114,000. What caused you to lose 127 points?

Loss of concentration.

But my goal for this week is to complete Pitfall with a score between 113,500 and 113,900 points.

I'm already done and I'm going to wait the next round of this HSC.

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