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Season 4 - The New HSC - Week 6 = Pitfall!


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LOOK AT WHERE I AM! (expletive deleted) :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


This is probably my last go. Trying for perfect has completely sucked the fun out of Pitfall! for me and I'd like to still enjoy this game at some point in the future. I may give it one more go, but likely not.




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Stan Jr, I posted almost the same exact picture above, before I got my perfect.


On the first route heading right, get so good at it that the clock is over 19:00 when you descend the ladder to return left. With perfect timing you can do it. I shaved 10 seconds here, giving you breathing room later. Watch NorthCoast's video.

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Kings of the Jungle club!




Lots of map-checking and running into logs. Played it safe after failing a scorpion jump early on, and luckily reached three treasures in a row with literally seconds left on the clock. Just like StanJr, I think I'll leave it at this for the moment. Happy to have crossed the 100k.


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LOOK AT WHERE I AM! (expletive deleted) :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


This is probably my last go. Trying for perfect has completely sucked the fun out of Pitfall! for me and I'd like to still enjoy this game at some point in the future. I may give it one more go, but likely not.


Relax, StanJr. And watch NCG and my gameplay video.

Edited by oyamafamily
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Yeah, I know how to do it, I missed a tunnel in the run posted above and that's where I lost time. I get lulled into a trance sometimes when there is a long gap between tunnels and I end up missing my exit. Plus, I seem to be invariably attracted to at least one log.


I might try once more tonight, but if not I can live with my score. :spidey:

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I hate to ask this - because I think the answer is going to knock me way down in the standings :ponder: - but how are you keeping track of scores? Are you using a spreadsheet?


Because based on my week-to-week standings, my total at the beginning of this week should be only 113, not 139.


15 + 3 (Q*Bert w/bonus points)

20 + 1 (Jr. Pac-Man w/bonus point)

25 + 3 (Joust w/bonus points)

25 (Mr. Do!)

21 (Frogger)

= 113
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