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Sound lists for the TI ISR, XB Player, and Spectra2: taking requests


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Hi, how did you get that to .DSK ?

Is there a way to convert/save that, or did you just have the DSK-File in addition ?


Hehe ... of course, I created a new DSK and imported the files into it with TIImageTool. ;)

(And now you can drag-and-drop them.)

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As much fun as I think Gyruss will be, other than a few changes on the percussion line and with the noise channel, the ColecoVision rendition is an extremely tough act to follow. It would be nice to have the full musical piece without the game sound effects, but that will not be difficult to come by.


In all, the game sounds awesome. Of course, I expect nothing less from Parker Brothers. Their TI conversions for are absolute tits so I expect the ColecoVision ports to be on the same level. Too bad PB never did more for the TI. Or did they? duh duh dun!!!


Yeah, Gyruss will be a bit further down the road for me :)


Speaking of Yie Ar, I would love to do some Last Ninja.


Hey, Filip, your demo noted some Perl code you did. What did your Perl do?

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oh, the perl code did nothing fancy. It was just a quick-and-dirty byte statement generator




open (FH,"<","gyruss for TI.epsgmod")  || die("Couldn't open file! Byte\n");
binmode(FH)                            || die("Don't know but something went wrong\n");
my $cnt   = 0;
my $label = '        BYTE ';
my $data  = '';
while (read(FH,$buf,2)) {
   if ($cnt % 6 == 0) { 
      $data .= "\n$label";
   } else {
      $data .= ",";
   my $val = sprintf("%04X", unpack("n",$buf));
   $data .= ">" . substr($val,0,2) . ",";
   $data .= ">" . substr($val,2,2);
   #printf ("%X",unpack("n",$buf));
print "RUNSIZ  EQU ", $cnt, "\n";
print "RUN $data\n";



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  • 3 months later...


Deal. I have been considering this one.


EDIT: I would actually consider this quite an accomplishment if I can come close to the quality of Rob Hubbard -- he is a fricken' legend.


If you have a copy of Mod2PSG2 try this version I made: monty.vgm.


It's not an accurate or complete version of the Monty music, but a good proof of concept. You can't play it on the TI yet, but I hope to get a version up and running soon.

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I have a lot of the music scored and am making some changes to better match the TI capabilities. Right after I started this thread my free time when right to crap, and now I have a contract position which has me in an office for most of the day.


The big part of what I am doing with the Monty music is using my Rexx script to make changes to and build the sound list. It is making mixing and transforming sounds very easy (like adjusting attenuation for a tone or whole song, swapping tone channels, creating a periodic noise channel using channel three as a source, etc.)

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