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Season 4 - The New HSC - Week 13-14 = Sci-Fi Movie Weeks


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The scoring for E.T. is lacking in one big way: The only bonus for being successfully rescued is that your remaining energy is converted into points. There is NO PENALTY for dying.

Having trouble getting a decent score? Here's an easy way to get 15,403.

Just make sure to collect 20 Reese's Pieces (I can't seem to get more) and give them all to Elliot. As for the phone pieces, just try to always have one or two parts in your inventory, so if the FBI Agent touches you, he takes a phone part and not some of your candy. The Scientist is annoying, but if he grabs you, just enjoy the ride. Don't worry about dying or failing to get rescued! If you successfully give Elliot 20 pieces of candy, your final score will be 15,403 = 20(770) + 3. You always get 3 points at the end for some reason.


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The scoring for E.T. is lacking in one big way: The only bonus for being successfully rescued is that your remaining energy is converted into points. There is NO PENALTY for dying.


Having trouble getting a decent score? Here's an easy way to get 15,403.


Just make sure to collect 20 Reese's Pieces (I can't seem to get more) and give them all to Elliot. As for the phone pieces, just try to always have one or two parts in your inventory, so if the FBI Agent touches you, he takes a phone part and not some of your candy. The Scientist is annoying, but if he grabs you, just enjoy the ride. Don't worry about dying or failing to get rescued! If you successfully give Elliot 20 pieces of candy, your final score will be 15,403 = 20(770) + 3. You always get 3 points at the end for some reason.


The way I play, I usually have all 3 pieces of the phone by the time I have 4 pieces of candy. I rarely let the FBI agent take anything. If I'm having a hard time finding the Phone Home Zone, I'll let the scientist give me a free ride and sometimes he'll find the zone for me on the way back to Washington, D.C. and I won't have to waste any more energy looking for it.


I don't know if it's just because I'm using Stella, but most of the time I can only collect 15 or 16 pieces of candy. If one of us could get 20 and have at least 5000 energy, we could hit 20,000.


One penalty for dying is that you don't have much energy left to add to the score. Most of time the Phone Home Zone can be found while looking for the Find Phone Piece Zone on each of the 4 well screens, so once you give every piece of candy you can find to Elliott, you can call the ship and get home with at least 5000 energy.

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Yeah, I'm having trouble getting more than 14 pieces of candy consistently. There has to be something to it, but those who know are keeping it under their hats... ;) :spidey:


There's no secret as far as I know. I'm not doing anything special.

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Yeah, I'm having trouble getting more than 14 pieces of candy consistently. There has to be something to it, but those who know are keeping it under their hats... ;) :spidey:

I just figured out that when I start a new game with Stella using Ctrl + R, I always seem to get a crappy candy count. If I hit Ctrl + R then hit Reset a couple of times, I seem to get more candy.

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E.T. 20,329. 20 candies given to Elliot = 15,400 + 4926 left on timer + 3. I reset or wait until a candy piece is showing on the screen below the starting point, then reset again! So when I start, there are candy pieces to gather right away. I also only fall into one well for a phone piece, getting the other two from Elliot after giving him 9 pieces of candy each time and giving him the 19th and 20th candy pieces aswell. Finding the call ship zone (imp looking icon) and the landing zone icon early on and remembering their locations is key to saving time. It takes numerous resets to get 20 candy pieces. Moving quickly and accurately without falling into any other wells and avoiding the FBI agent also helps.


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I like how this guy gets the ship at the end by freezing the FBI agent on the screen BELOW the landing zone forest, and then runs north to the forest with a few ticks left! Prevents the ship from not landing with humans on the screen. (Around 5 minute mark)

Edited by voodoo_chilly
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I like how this guy gets the ship at the end by freezing the FBI agent on the screen BELOW the landing zone forest, and then runs north to the forest with a few ticks left! Prevents the ship from not landing with humans on the screen.


That's actually my video from nearly thirty years ago. Scott Stilphen is a good friend and he formatted it from VHS to disc for me. A portion of the same video is on my Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=najF9S4CiHI. The video Scott has on his channel also shows collecting 33 candy pieces, turning E.T. dark and as the score/symbols go down the designers initials appear, HSW. This was the first documented example showing this.

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I reset or wait until a candy piece is showing on the screen below the starting point, then reset again! So when I start, there are candy pieces to gather right away. I also only fall into one well for a phone piece, getting the other two from Elliot after giving him 9 pieces of candy each time and giving him the 19th and 20th candy pieces aswell. Finding the call ship zone (imp looking icon) and the landing zone icon early on and remembering their locations is key to saving time. It takes numerous resets to get 20 candy pieces. Moving quickly and accurately without falling into any other wells and avoiding the FBI agent also helps.

Thanks. That resetting tip looks like the thing the rest of us have been missing. I reset after candy was on the screen and got 2 pieces of the phone from Elliott, so I ended up getting a higher single round score than I could before.


After hitting reset with candy on the screen, I got ((9 + 9 + 2) * 770) + 5300 + 3:








I made a few mistakes while playing thanks to the distraction of 3rd Rock from the Sun on Netflix. I was expecting this round to be a high score failure like so many before it. I wonder if I could have reached 21 thousand if I wasn't an idiot? :dunce:

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