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5200 RS Basketball Trash talk text


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Photo Documenting my RS Basketball and started taking pictures of the on screen trash talk but never really took note of how
many different messages there are. Not sure I have captured them all ?


Here is the list. I will only post a few since I photographed 28 different and sure I missed a few

The Crowd's for me
I've got to make it
Better make it this time
Don't steal this one
This shot better count
This Isn't easy
Gotta make it
I must catch up
I need help
Watch this
I'm falling behind

Easy Play

Run Faster
This shots in ROM
I play so well
I'm winning
Run faster
Not Bad
I'll make this shot
Help I'm being held prisoner in the computer
I can't Miss
Easy shot
Can't be better
I can't Miss
Move over, Lakers
Fancy Dribbling Huh
Humans are so ... Human


Excuse the last photo, Its the "Help I'm being held prisoner in the computer"
but it was moving and caught it in motion so its hard to read, Tried to get a better
one but got tired of waiting for it to appear again





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