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Opcode Games News - Q2 2015


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Leave it Youki, it is stressful and not motivating.


In my short time on this forums so far, I've learned this dude seems to like to complain a lot and be up in other people's business. I've tried to mostly ignore it, because you're right, it's not productive in any way.

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Hosnestly no , i'm slngle threaded :) More you have balls in the air , more you have chance that they all falls. ;) But i guess there is better Juggler than me!

This post of your's makes me feel like playing Buster Bros.! Whoops... better known in your neck off the woods as Pang.
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Just a question , don't get it bad .


But why you don"t concentrate your effort in completing the work you are in progress than some already people paid for or that have been announced years ago? Like SGM or finalization of Donkey Kong ? And i guess there is also lot other game Pixelboy is waiting for..


Instead of starting to work on an unannounced arcade port.


Ok for SGM , i could imagine you are waiting for components. But Considering the number of games you announced / Started and not completed, why you take a new one?

Not sure what unfinished games you talking about. All MSX ports except for Penguin Adventute has been completed or are about to be competed. By the end of July all my outstanding work with 3rd parties should be be done, opcode games should be fully capitalized again and ready to go.

As for arcades ports, yes, I have about a half dozen unfinished games that I have started and not completed yet. The long answer is that starting next year, we want a constant stream of 2 or 3 arcade ports released a year, and that required some planning in terms of which titles should get ported based on complexity and such.

Yes, DKA is coming, Grazy has made it clear she wants the game released, but I also need to make room for another title, and none of the existing games was a good fit in terms of complexity and variety, so I select a new game to port. The others will get released in the next 3 years.

The short answer is that since it is all a hobby, I believe it is my right to work on whatever I want whenever I want. And of course it is your right to keep bitching as you see fit...

Edited by opcode
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On the first page of this thread, you mentioned shipping 500 SGMs by the end of this year. Are you saying that plan has changed?

Nope. There are about 250 modules already shipped. Add to that the 200 regular modules I want to produce this year, plus the about 50 SECAM version, and you get 500 modules shipped by the end of this year.

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In my short time on this forums so far, I've learned this dude seems to like to complain a lot and be up in other people's business. I've tried to mostly ignore it, because you're right, it's not productive in any way.

Guys..... Don't take Youki too much seriously

I mean, we all get it that he don't like MSX Ports, Game Conversions, but it's simply his personal thoughts on the subject

He's the kind of guy who appreciate original creations only (mostly)

Will he prevent others from doing MSX Ports, conversions?.... Nah, it won't

Alot of people in America don't have a MSX and don't plan to buy one, so they appreciate MSX ports, or conversions for that matter


Youki is more like a funny guy than a troll

I think he really like it when people "bite" to his jokes/comments



Peace out :)

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^ Thanks for that clarification!



Alot of people in America don't have a MSX and don't plan to buy one, so they appreciate MSX ports, or conversions for that matter

This is me. Seriously, I appreciate *ANY* work that is being done on the system 30+ years later.

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Looking at some of the prices for MSX computers over here in the states, I'll gladly pay for a ColecoVision port.

It also works as sort of a filter.

If someone puts the effort into porting it, they must think it's a good game and want to share it with others.

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It also works as sort of a filter. If someone puts the effort into porting it, they must think it's a good game and want to share it with others.

This! This is exactly what I was thinking, too. I've had a look at some of the MSX releases since all of this discussion has taken place, and I just don't know the system well enough to know about some of the better more obscure games. And I'm putting some trust in the people doing the porting that the games the are choosing to bring over are either arcade games that we all are familiar with, or the cream of the crop of the more obscure titles. So far that seems to be the case!

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I will take care of MSX megaROMs games such as Gradius and Penguin Adventure on slower years. Besides, I need the Super Game Cartridge for that. For Gradius I plan a complete graphic overhaul to make it look closer to the arcade. Gameplay is already excellent, but Konami took some graphic liberties with the MSX port that I don't like... I posted about that somewhere, including mockup...

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Youki is more like a funny guy than a troll

I think he really like it when people "bite" to his jokes/comments


You forgot to mention that there is always a little something "Lost in Translation" with Youki's posts as well. :twisted:


J-F... It's bad enough that we English speakers have to deal with your poor attempts at using the English language, but Youki definetely makes you look like an English scholar! :lol:


BTW, I can barely handle the English language myself, so I tip my hat to you guys for being able to handle two languages. :thumbsup:

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You forgot to mention that there is always a little something "Lost in Translation" with Youki's posts as well. :twisted:


J-F... It's bad enough that we English speakers have to deal with your poor attempts at using the English language, but Youki definetely makes you look like an English scholar! :lol:


BTW, I can barely handle the English language myself, so I tip my hat to you guys for being able to handle two languages. :thumbsup:



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You forgot to mention that there is always a little something "Lost in Translation" with Youki's posts as well. :twisted:


J-F... It's bad enough that we English speakers have to deal with your poor attempts at using the English language, but Youki definetely makes you look like an English scholar! :lol:


BTW, I can barely handle the English language myself, so I tip my hat to you guys for being able to handle two languages. :thumbsup:

Actually I suspect someone isn't getting enough sex... :P

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Youki makes a hell of a lot of sense and speaks volumes. He asks completely legit questions. He's a realist, and I admire his straight-forward approach. He still cares at this point to ask questions, which is more than I can say for me. I've rolled my eyes countless times when Ed announced yet another grandiose release schedule for this game or that, even though previously stated objectives go unfinished. I get it: it's a hobby. He has limitations. But it's also his show, so he can go ahead and promise whatever he likes. Nobody is going to hold him accountable and he knows this.


And I find his 'not enough sex' jab pretty tasteless. Given his track record, I find it pretty amazing he has the balls to poke fun at anyone. How does that saying go about people who live in glass houses?... :P

Edited by atarilovesyou
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Actually I suspect someone isn't getting enough sex... :P

Ideally, i'd prefer to be on a once-a-day schedule like the Flintstones vitamins, but to achieve that goal I would have to use the services of a professional or professionals. Unfortunately that would come to about $1200 a week plus tips and then the wifey could handle the last day. Actually something to consider, but that will make it hard (no pun intended) to purchase all the great Homebrews that are being made.


I gotta win the Lottery already!!!

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Youki makes a hell of a lot of sense and speaks volumes. He asks completely legit questions. He's a realist, and I admire his straight-forward approach. He still cares at this point to ask questions, which is more than I can say for me. I've rolled my eyes countless times when Ed announced yet another grandiose release schedule for this game or that, even though previously stated objectives go unfinished. I get it: it's a hobby. He has limitations. But it's also his show, so he can go ahead and promise whatever he likes. Nobody is going to hold him accountable and he knows this.


And I find his 'not enough sex' jab pretty tasteless. Given his track record, I find it pretty amazing he has the balls to poke fun at anyone. How does that saying go about people who live in glass houses?... :P

You're right, my track record is far from flawless. Still, with more than 2 dozen titles already in the hands of CV users, and with a dozen more planned for this year (you don't have to believe me on that, just ask publishers), I believe the number of games I have delivered far exceed the ones I still have to.


And you make it sounds like I am malicious individual that always come here to make promises I know I cannot keep. While I understand the frustration, I can tell you that was never the case, it just happens that life has been getting in the way for the past 5 or so years, for different reasons, and things didn't go as planned, or at least the way I would have liked them to go. That is the reason I am no longer announcing titles here, only a roadmap of what I would like to accomplish next year. This way nobody gets frustrated if title X or Y doesn't get released. Do I know for sure if I will be able to deliver this time? Of course I don't, but right now that is the plan, and that is what I believe I can do. We will see...


BTW, not sure if I have already asked you that, but have you pre-ordered the SGM and is still waiting for it?

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Ideally, i'd prefer to be on a once-a-day schedule like the Flintstones vitamins, but to achieve that goal I would have to use the services of a professional or professionals. Unfortunately that would come to about $1200 a week plus tips and then the wifey could handle the last day. Actually something to consider, but that will make it hard (no pun intended) to purchase all the great Homebrews that are being made.


I gotta win the Lottery already!!!


Of course I wasn't referring to you, but anyways, that is a good plan. Homebrews come first. :)

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Of course I wasn't referring to you, but anyways, that is a good plan. Homebrews come first. :)

of course your post was directed toward Youki, but I'm going thru a mid-life crisis so when THAT subject is broached, I can't help but chime in with my own thoughts.


Hmmm, this all has the wheels turning in the ole' noggin... CV Homebrews delivered by beautiful escorts! The best of both worlds!

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