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New Atari joysticks - any interest ?

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This is, and isn't good news. While there have been those joysticks about, they are unfortunately USB joysticks. I brought a couple with the intention to convert them over to Atari style so they look and act like the classic joysticks. Though they are not a simple cable change :( The PCB is wired up really screwy. Where Up & Down are wired to the controller chip , but then Right pad is wired in series with the Left pads ground then wired in series with the down's ground. So there is some odd encoding going on for the USB controller chip. This actually means a huge amount of removing SMT parts and track cutting. Some tracks are so tiny as they are going to the USB controller chip, that soldering on a wire to them isn't going to be ideal. It was heading into a huge bodge more than anything. While I was hacking this board about, the more I worked on it the more I thought that its going to be to much hacking and a lot of work to the point it would actually be easier and less time consuming to actually get new PCB's made for the things. So you can probably see how this is all going....

Buying 9 pin D-type cables isn't to much of a problem, buying the joysticks isn't to bad either. Building them up for use with Atari's will probably end up in a £30 price tag plus postage. Though it is also possible that if I design a easy PCB to fit these things, that people could simply buy the PCB and that can be shipped off pretty cheap around the world, rather than myself buying the joysticks, then paying shipping, then the buyer paying shipping, it would soon ramp up cost. Though if people brought the joystick themselves, they would only have to buy the cable and the PCB from me and they could convert them themselves. Of course not everyone can solder or do things like so, so I am happy to build a few up for sale complete in my store anyway.

I started looking into new joysticks as I have a bag full of joysticks, and with old switches, bad cables etc etc they are just basically junk and not really functional anymore. I have looked into converting simple game pads also. My girlfriend tends to prefer those than joysticks. Though currently I thought I would see if there is any interest in the classic joysticks before I even consider expanding onto other controllers.

So the bottom line is, how many people would be interested in buying the PCB to do the conversion themselves, or interested in a complete new joystick. I suspect the PCB's will cost around £10 each. So looking for at least 10 pre-orders before they go into production.

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There could well be other solutions out there. Though I really liked the classic joystick. I do have other ones but mostly they were the spring type switches and they drive me nuts these days, click click click click click like 60 millions times lol I've not seen any ready done classic ones so far.

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I can supply the cables, though they can be obtained around the internet if needs be. Though in terms of simpleness, if I supply the cables then at least (hopefully) the colour coding will match properly. Cables did get a bit confusing when I was building the PeST's as every time I brought a bag of cables, the colour coding was always different.. So its a good point about the cables.

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Um . . . Are you talking about some sort of joystick that is specific to the ST? If not then you should visit the rest of the forum site. There are lots of options for 9 pin DSub joysticks new and old. And there are several USB options, but it seems you are looking to remove the USB and add the 9pin interface - there simply is no need.


While I can really appreciate the sense of self-discovery that comes with hacking something up, this particular topic is so covered already on the boards that I think you'll find the discovery work has been done for you.

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I'm not as familiar with items available to the continental market, but if you are willing to investigate something like the competition pro, you can also choose from a range of Mega Drive sticks. Even building your own joystick with a microswitched plug and play toy would be easier than creating a PCB to put into a USB unit. Many threads on here about those plug and play devices. Search for Radica 7800.


Some US places that offer equipment are:

Best Electronics (linked above)


Video 61




Updated per AtariBrian

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The sticks that shipped with the Flashback 2 were pretty decent, they're one of the better 1-button sticks out there. The USB stick you're modifying looks to be roughly identical to it and possibly even uses the same molds. Does the stick itself screw into the controller base?


It is kind of incredibly lame that the stock PCB for the USB version isn't common ground, but if the shell is identical to the Flashback 2 stick then all you have to do to convert it is to duplicate the PCB in the Flashback stick exactly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got some of the Retrobit-branded sticks and found them to be very flimsy. Even trying to be very gentle with them, they have broken on me. The Flashback 2 ones are decent thoug not as sturdy as originals. Anyone have experience with the sticks in the first eBay link?

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