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Wanted: Feedback For Impossible Mission & Realsports Baseball


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Sorry. I'm a bit late on posting this one.

Thanks for all the feedback on the last two games!

I'm looking for feedback for the next episode of the Atari 7800 Game By Game Podcast (you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube or use this feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/78gbg )

What are your memories and/or thoughts on Impossible Mission & RealSports Baseball on the 7800?

Also, how would you rate them? I use a system of 4 choices (From Best to Worst):

Hall of Fame Game (Top 5 game on the system)

Solid Game

"Meh" Game

Trash Game (Bottom 5 game on the system)

These games will be covered on Episode 14.

You can also e-mail text or audio to atari7800podcast@aol.com

Just keep it family friendly :)

You can also send feedback on previously covered games or the system itself. Thanks!

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Real Sports Baseball – I'm a huge baseball fan so I went into this game, never having played it before, thinking it would be similar to RBI Baseball and Bases Loaded for the NES, two baseball games that came out around the same time as this and games I spent a lot of time with as a kid. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening. The graphics are muddy, the controls are akward and don't seem that responsive, the crowd cheering noise is enough to make my ears bleed, and the Strike sound sounds like a fart. It seemed almost impossible to get a man on base aganist the AI, where as he managed to hit my pitches with ease. The final score at the end of my first game was a 20-0 loss. The redeeming things of this game is that the gameplay is fast, I like the ammount of pitches you can throw for a early baseball game, and the short musical tunes that play now and then sounded nice. Still, I'd much rather play the aforementioned NES baseball games, or even Real Sports Baseball on the 2600 and 5200 compared to this. Rating – Meh for me.

Impossible Mission – I'm a big fan of this game, having had it and played the heck out of it on my C64 back in the day (sorry, Ferg!). I knew this version of the game was literaly impossible – talk about a ironic name for the game! – so I never played this version until this week. Fatal bug aside, this is a pretty good conversion of the game. The graphics are large and detailed and look good, the controls are easy to get the hang of it, and the core gameplay carries over well. The searching time in this version seems longer then the original computer version. It's a shame the voices and the death scream is missing....certinaly that could have been included in this version? And the sounds when you are in a room (the constant background noise) sounds horrible in this version. All in all, this is a good conversion to the 7800, not perfect, but playable, although it pales to the original computer versions. And now the million dollar question – how the heck did this get released with that fatal bug that made the game unwinnable? Didn't anyone playtest this? It's bad enough that Atari padded the 7800 with so many so-so ports of old computer games....at least make the game beatable! At least now anyone who has this game on a flash cart or ROM format can patch it so it's winnable. Rating – Solid for the fixed version, Trash for the original release.

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I avoided Imp.Miss. for years because of the bug- who wants to play an unbeatable game? Then I picked it up in a lot- surprise! It's fun exactly as it is, and it's tough enough that the bug doesn't matter- I can't get far enough for it to be an issue!


Baseball is baseball- pass.

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Impossible Mission: Only the NTSC version is impossible to beat. The PAL version you can beat. I thought that should be mentioned here for accuracy. And although the original coder responsible for the 7800 conversion has stated he'd like to fix it - he mentioned it in the thread listed in a prior comment that was linked - it's already been fixed and the ROM is called Possible Mission. Some have even burned it to EPROMs and made it available in cartridge form here in the past. It's a great game but the audio sucks. Actually, the audio sfx are recycled from older Atari 2600 games. If I'm not mistaken, some are lifted from Parker Bros' Star Wars: Jedi Arena game for the Atari 2600. It really needed a POKEY audio chip included in the cart - like Ballblazer and Commando - and a larger ROM size to use the sampled voice from the original C64 version. Still, we got this conversion and the XEGS/Atari 8-bit computers didn't so that should count for something.


RealSports Baseball: Terrible but I remember it only costing somewhere between $9.99 and $14.99 at Toys R Us when it debuted. It wasn't as fun as the 2600 original, I can tell you that. I'm sure we all had hoped Atari [Corp] would've released Namco's/Atari Games'/Tengen's RBI Baseball instead. Once again, us Atari console owners got Roger'ed over due to Warner having broken up the original Atari Inc.

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Impossible Mission - "Meh". I really, really want to give this game a "Solid", but I honestly don't see or 'feel' it. Perhaps I have a bias that at times results from after playing and becoming used to a port on another platform, others may seem 'off'. Prior to ever playing the 7800 version, I had exposure to the C64 port (Best, IMHO) and also the sequel Impossible Mission II on the PC and Tandy. The timing, and distance (not) covered with jumps, at least seems significantly different from the other versions I played. Unfortunately, I often find playing the 7800 version an exercise in futility and frustration, despite some great animation/graphics and others' positive review of it.


RealSports Baseball - "Trash". Congratulations Atari, for putting out a game on the ProSystem which may strongly fortify some individuals' misconception that the 7800 is just a slightly better 2600 system. An absolutely horrible example of an Atari 7800 game. Even just isolating the graphics and animation, take a look at this game, and then take a look at Pete Rose Baseball, knowing that Pete Rose Baseball (32K) is only half the size of RealSports Baseball (64K). It emphasizes how good/bad developers were working with the limited resources they had off the bat. Nevertheless, good grief, RealSports Baseball is just bad all around.






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