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Does this auction is worth? (ColecoVision & A26 Jr mega pack)


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Well boys, I want some things for adding to the collection, navigating in eBay I found this.


Seriously the pack just looks cool and I like and love both consoles and can help for my Gaming Collection, the bad thing...I am younger and I don't count with sufficent money for buying and even worse I am from Mexico so I need even more money just for import that pack, just 6 days more and the auction end in other hand, but if is posible I will do all posible If is worth paying more than 2000 MX (which is just really much money here) but you are the experts in prices (I started the collection for Atari, Coleco, INTV etc a few days but I know them) so it's worth the price or not?


Thanks for reading and Help, take care :)

Edited by MSd7342
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Does look like a pretty neat lot. I'm no expert on value but I'd say its easily worth the current high bid. The shipping looks reasonable to me. That wooden cart box with the slot in the middle for manuals is freaking heavy. I just got a lot last week that had the one very similar to that with the manual slot at the end and I was shocked at how heavy it was.


Also, here is my unsolicited advice. I personally wouldn't post on a forum dedicated to the types of items in the auction you are interested in bidding on. You could cost yourself some money by gaining a few more bidders. Unless of course its your auction in which case I've seen that movie to :D

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Sorry, this will be the first and last time I post something that Im interest and not selling but it's because the ColecoVision is considered a Ultra-Collectors Item, the games are cheap but the console is really expensive, here just with the 2000 MX can bought the pure colecovision (Complete) and with 2500 included the Atari Expansion Module, If im lucky they included some games, and the Atari here again is something expensive not so much but 900 MX for a 2600 can be a little more money (here, that's the cost of a N64, Saturn, Dreamcast and even a PS2) so for that I questioned everyone if is worth paying a really minor money (considering how total could be here If I bought all of that) and Ya!, I will view the form to bought it, or Bid :D and the AC adapter for the Colecovision it's not a problem, it's 5 bucks here and in mint shape, same for the 2600 even less a 3 buck for a AC adapter, the RF cables no problem I count for all the retro system of that time LOL, also the Colecovision controllers look like they are 3rd party or the Brazilian Ones (DINA) that's no a problem because I like they look, and that Joysticks (not the atari ones) look good, So thanks for posting and responding really apreciate that.

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I wouldn't worry too much posting a link here to something your interested in, I think most of us see the items on ebay daily anyway ;)


With 60 games even if you figure $2 a game that would make it worth $120 for just the games and alot of the games I see are worth more than $2....I generally figure $2 is a minimum value for a 2600 game and at least that for Coleco games.

Then a loose coleco should be worth $50 and a loose atari $25-30. But of course they aren't tested so you take some gamble there.

If you can get a coleco power supply for $5 there that is amazing ;)


Also the tan coleco controllers are colecovision adam computer controllers.

They did come stock with alot of late release colecos, so they are not third party and likely are original to the system.

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Yes this is a Gamble, but I don't think the games could have errors they look good some sticker fall but don't worry about that, the important it's the Hardware and Oh cool, I thinked they was a Third party or different model but they are the ADAM ones but still same controller, so ya! if the oportunity aproach I will bought that one without problems thank you guys!

Also just a few games I will sold or deal for others (like Smurf for Coleco) and the others will be in my hands, but thanks for the help!

Edited by MSd7342
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Yeah I would bet most if not all the games work.

Out of the thousands of carts I have had there are only a couple I have never been able to get to work.

Old school carts are pretty solid :)

The hardware on the other hand can easily go either way and if he hasn't tested it then it's a toss up.

Can still be a good buy either way.


Yeah not a collectible lot at all besides that, but a nice mass of stuff for someone who doesn't have any of it and is looking to do some playing. And there are a good number of carts that would be a few bucks a piece if bought solo.....

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I collect things I mostly use, I dont collect ''Nintendo World Champioships'' (for example) when I bought something I will use it for Example I want to complete every game of Gradius (including the Spin-off like Salamander/Life Force) because I love that serie, also Black Jack its a action or a Poker game? If it is poker I instantly deal it, I again don't bought the Ultra Mega super Expensive game just for be ''a troophy'', I like the pack It comes with thrash (Math Grand Prix, Smurf) but they compensate with almost 90% of good Games (Carnival, DK JR, Gorf, Star Wars) so It's for that I like it, because It contains treasures (or almost treasures for me)

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