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Sick 5200


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My poor Atari 5200 has started to act up on me. For some reason it won't turn on all the time (it turns on then it won't for a bit then it will) and will only display in B&W (S-Video, I can't test it with RF). I have a Electronic Sentimentalities S-Video mod on it, but beyond that it's stock. I've done some testing and have determined that it's not the cable, power supply, or monitor, so it must be the system itself. Any ideas? Does anyone do 5200 repairs?

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If you're getting a BW image then it could just be a loose chorma wire from the s-vid connector back to the mod board. As for the power on and off thing that is likely the little IC next to the power switch. These are known to go out and get finicky like this. I think Best has the IC for sale.


I'd be happy to over the 5200 but with OVGE just a month away, my schedule is pretty full right now.


Oh..do you also have the composite connection for the video to test with also? When I installed the mod board on my 5200 I did both the s-vid and composite as not every TV has s-video of course.

Edited by -^Cro§Bow^-
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I thought I had a 2 Port as well, but I must have sold it. Still have the box though. :)


Depending on what Best sells that part for I suppose. It might be cheaper to buy a junk 5200 off ebay than get the part from them.

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Well I was messing around with the system today and the problem seems to have solved itself. I'm thinking that the power button was a little dirty or something because after I took the case apart and checked everything it's working fine. The color issue with S-Video appears to be a cable problem (I think). It's all working now so we'll see if the problems come back.

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Well I was messing around with the system today and the problem seems to have solved itself. I'm thinking that the power button was a little dirty or something because after I took the case apart and checked everything it's working fine. The color issue with S-Video appears to be a cable problem (I think). It's all working now so we'll see if the problems come back.


Reflow the leads on the power button before you screw it back together.

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