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High Score Competition (Sep: Osotos)


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The game is definitely not for everybody. Not sure exactly what's going on with Santa's movement programming wise, or if there's some kind of hardware limitation or issue going on here, but I notice he randomly and momentarily gets stuck when the action heats up. It's mostly a subtle thing (sometimes it's obviously not), but he will stutter and/or freeze up at times. Even when not around a wall. At first, I thought it was my joystick, but nope. Have noticed it on several sticks. Anyway, even though he'll momentarily freeze up for a wee fraction of a second, it's usually just long enough to get nipped by one of the witches when trying to run away. Same goes for when you're trying to inch your way around a toy, but instead, Santa ends up taking one more scan-line of a step than he should. ugh


Perhaps the keyboard input is superior in this case? Just wish the up/down keys on the other side of the keyboard didn't have a space between them. Too far apart IMO. :)

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Phew! Glad you confirmed what I'll now be calling "the Santa Claus pause". :lol:

Almost put a disclaimer in my post promising I wasn't crazy or trying to make excuses. :rolling:

Okay, so I plugged my joystick into the right side port of the Wico TI joystick adapter (been playing with it on the left) and don't believe I experienced any pauses this time. All I know is I scored my best yet!


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St Nick is also in this post: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/253095-flashrom-99-finalgrom-99-image-repository-12142018/?p=3559160


The filename seems to indicate that 32K is required, though I'm unsure if that is the case.


the original cart was grom and rom, so that is a version of it that will run from RAM, for finalgrom you just load the two files and it runs from Grom/Rom and they are included in the package of grom/roms that is on whtech

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The main issue is that Santa is too large compared to the rest of the game elements, and it takes some getting used to for the concept of his head being "above" the playing field except the walls to sink in. I think this was conjured in order to allow for a more detailed Santa representation.

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Quick reminder:


2 more days of Christmas joy left!!! Please help Santa save Christmas, and please post your times to the Tracker this week... it's the last week of the year, and I think if we all post our times, we can help push the TI on up the list for the yearly systems.



Thanks for playing, folks. :)

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