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quality of 7800 games compared to 8-bit computer


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8bit Asteroids and the 7800's Asteroids Deluxe are two different games. Comparing them is hardly fair. Even though both were first generation titles, just keep in mind that 8bit Asteroids STILL predates Asteroids Deluxe by quite a bit.


7800 Asteroids Deluxe?? The 7800 version is just plain Asteroids.



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ok guys... time to stay focused. I was mainly thinking look/feel compared to the arcade. Sure colors can make a difference, but they aint no fun if the sound is crap and the game play mechanics are way off.


The closer I look though the more I realize each system had their hits and misses. Had a little emulated 7800 robotron fun last night....

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In the UK the system was advertised and sold with Asteroids built in - in Atari's promotional materials, and the manual that comes with the system the game was called Asteroids Deluxe...




Just to clarify, I checked the PAL system manual and the PAL Asteroids manual and the PAL box. All of them say simply Asteroids. Some promotional material does say Deluxe Asteroids (not Asteroids Deluxe). If you have played it you will know that it is Asteroids (hyperspace) not Asteroids Deluxe (shields).

The 2600 version includes both versions.



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you are right reg. mario bros... the XEGS version is far better than the 5200 version... smoother less flickering gfx, nice title screen but i guess the engine is the same... so from gameplay point of view could be no difference...but i havent played it now for hours...


the 7800 version has more colors... but the controls & game mechanics are not the sames like the others... the turtles seem to "walk" instead of crawling....the background and levels seem more close at the original (compared to the GBA version incl. in SMB deluxe).


asteroids... the ROM is called 3d asteroids... the title screen just says "asteroids" but i can remember that on the box of the console it was writtten asteroids deluxe...



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The XEGS version of Mario Bros is a TOTAL rewrite, no code sharing as far as I know, and I think its the best Atari version, way ahead of the 7800 version.


As a HUGE mario player (on GBA, Arcade and Virtual Boy) - I gotta say XEGS MB is SUPERB conversion for a 3rd party version...



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Some interesting points raised here. I've been getting into the 7800 and XEGS again in the last year, after selling my original machines off in the mid-1990s.


One thing that struck me with the Tramiels was it seemed as though they deliberately crippled the 7800 games when they were trying to push the XE. Witness 7800 Karateka vs. XE Karateka. The 7800 is crap - and needlessly so. Witness Summer Games on the XE and 7800. The 7800 version is decent - but missing pole vaulting and skeet shooting! Fight Night has more modes on the XE, Crossbow has digitized sound, etc etc etc.


There was more effort put into XE games in 1987 and 1988 ... in an effort to help the Tramiels clear out tons of 8-bit inventory via new XEGS customers. Of course when that failed, the graphics, depth et al of 7800 games suddenly started resembling NES titles. Hmm ...

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The Atari 8-bit easily has the best overall library compared to the 7800. All the great cart and disk games from Atari, EA, Sega, Parker Brothers, Activision, Datasoft, Epyx, SSI, Microprose, Big Five, Mindscape, Lucasfilm, Infocom, Access, etc.


That being said, I do prefer the 7800 versions of Centipede and Asteroids. The graphics are more colorful and to me, the gameplay seems smoother.

Two player co-op Asteroids and Centipede also put the 7800 versions over the top and are extremely fun. I would also rather play 7800 Pole Position II over 8-bit Pole Position any day of the week as well.


Sometimes the 7800 did make a dog of a conversion though. The gameplay and control in the 8-bit versions of Karateka and Choplifter just smoke the 7800 versions. 7800 Karateka is almost unplayable. Did the 7800 version of Summer Games skimp on some of the events and music and award cerimonies, when compared to the 8-bit version? I have neither.

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