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The New HSC - Week 35 = Jungle Hunt


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Speaking of "biting"... my tip would be to play it safe in the river stage and just evade the crocs. With enough lives to spare, you can most likely get through the boulder stage alive. The good news is that the cannibals have the same jumping pattern and speed as in the easy game. So once you got that down, you won't die there. The bonus points for rescuing the girl are massive and should get everyone from bad scores to at least somewhat decent scores. After rescuing the girl once... well you really need to get down the way to evade the big boulders... which I haven't yet. My score for getting through twice was more coincidence than skill.

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Tiny improvement. New score on game 2: 34,810.


I really don't get the vines in round 3. Seems like the game lets me get through with exactly one life left, and then I manage to grab exactly one vine. Trajectory looks like it's impossible to catch more than one or two in a row before you hit the deck. NCG, how the hell are you doing that?


Still no idea how to handle the boulders. I lose a lot of lives in what seems to be absolutely perfectly timed jumps over small boulders. Not to mention the big ones...


Edited by karokoenig
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Thanks NCG. Nice run in the first river. Don't let PETA see that video. Jumping the big boulders at the edge of the screen seems to work much better than my method, which is running far towards them, then back and try to duck at the right moment. Maybe if I can spare a life or two in the boulder stages, I get more chances to figure ot the vines.


So glad that the cannibals don't change their pattern. That would be even more painful. I never came close to losing a life there,

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Bonus: Double Dragon (1987). Almost too many parallels to name them all. Both made by Taito, in both you need to save the girl, both play in the jungle. Well, it's an urban jungle in DD, but who the hell cares. Sometimes you jump in Double Dragon... etc... Also, I'm pretty sure I see a tattoo on the upper arm of the Jungle Hunt hero. Prove me wrong. I dare you!


Edited by karokoenig
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