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In search of 50fps videos of certain G7000 games


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Hello all,



For the past 3-4 years I have been working on a project I'm calling "8bit Stories".


It is a collection of stories from my childhood about the retromachines I remember from back then, presented as a kind of diskmag running on Blu-ray players.

Versions for other platforms may be developed later.


I have written over 40 stories in all so far. I still don't know how many it'll end up being.


16 of these stories is about the Phillips G7000.


I would like to add supplemental videos of the games I'm writing about. So I looked into O2EM. Unable to compile on Linux, so I tried both DOS version via DosBox and Windows version via Wine. Then using Simple Screen Recorder to record. The result is a 60fps video with dropped frames due to lack of sync, and sprites not always being placed correctly as far as I can see.

I would of course rather have a 50fps video with no frame-drops and proper sprites placement.


So I wrote a mail to René van den Enden, who has the equiptment for doing such videos, but sadly he's too busy to help out, and sugegsted I wrote a post here.



I need videos showing about 16 games from 13 cartridges. Meaning I need 13 videos.

Anyone out there with the proper equiptment who's interested in helping out with this?

I'm picturing something like 3 minutes of gameplay of each game, showing a bit of each. Not asking for a perfect gameplay. In fact, I'd rather have videos that show many aspects of the games.

So that's about 48 minutes of video in total. Theoretically doable in an hour if you're taking them one after each other.



When the whole project is complete, the Blu-ray ISO file will be freely downloable. Same goes for other future versions. In other words I'm not making any money on this. It's a "community project" so to speak. My way of giving something back in return for all the awesome retro projects, software and hardware. So I'm of course hoping someone will help me out for free too. But I'm not afraid of paying for this service if that's what it takes.



A lot of other people are contributing to this project too. Musicians of IndieGameMusic.com (my site) has created relaxing music to run in the background (as any diskmag should have). And I also have graphics artists drawing illustrations to supplement the stories. I'm also getting help regarding videos of Amstrad CPC games. I'll also need some graphics themes.


It's one of those types of projects that has ended up being much much bigger than initially was the plan. That's how it usually goes. I'd like to finish it now, which is why I'm asking for help here and there.



Hope to hear from someone. :-)




P.S.: If you think this project sounds interesting, here's some additional info: I'm hoping "8bit Stories issue 1" will inspire other people to author their own issue. It could be awesome to have a series of memoirs from different people from that time. So if you like to write, start now! :-)


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