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FPGA Based Videogame System


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Analogue sent me an email today notifying me that my second Super NT shipped today. This one is black and from the second batch. Ive been enjoying my classic colored Super NT from the first batch. It helps that it is a sleek, low latency SNES replacement that can be hooked up to my huge flatscreen TV in my main room. I get more SNES time because of that accessibility.

I am also very impressed with the Cirka S91 SNES controllers. They have clearly pirated Nintendos original design, they cost under $10:

CirKa "S91" Premium Controller for SNES https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PIZMB6S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_CXxMAbYYZ5D6E

I have the same combo. Classic and black. So nice.

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According to Smokemoster, official firmware bugs can be posted here as well, which I guess means Analogue is monitoring this Github issue list:



That seems like a good idea because then the issues can be organized and tracked, as opposed to accidentally being lost in a forum thread.

Makes sense, even if it is a jb some issues found might be issues with the main firmware and not the jb. Either that or whoever made the jb is sending the issues that turn out to be with the snes side of things to Analogue/Kevtris.

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Any clue about these strange extra color/hi-light pixels in the checkboxes under the Fonts menu?




It is a stupid debate to be having so this is the last I'll be commenting on it. It is implemented by the sd2snes the same way it would replicate any of the other enhancement chips it offers, and it performs the same functions as an enhancement chip. If you want to make a 10 page legal definition of an enhancement chip you might be able to split enough hairs to find a technicality that allows you to view it as not being an enhancement chip if that helps you sleep better at night.


But why you want to do that, why you would be so biased against cd quality music or fmv cutscenes added to some hacks of snes games so you could do things like restore the voices lost in the bsx game The Legend of Zelda Ancient Stone Tablets (which is the only way to listen to them and a valuable preservation effort) or just see what new soundtracks pair up with classic games or cool homebrew cutscenes can be added to old games/entirely new ones... it doesn't make sense. "The people that do that wasted their time" ...what??? No other homebrew games/mods get attacked like that. And what someone does with their free time is their business. If they like turning classic midi tunes songs into full orchestral remakes what skin is that off your nose?


If you don't like something or have a bias against something and don't want to try it and just believe you don't like it because that is more "pure" for you, thus enabling you to act like a snes elitist... well that's your own choice. But attitudes like that kill good things when you try to make it invalidate them. You should try not to be so close minded in the future.

LOL! Who’s being intolerant of who’s opinions now?! ;)


I repeatedly said that I am excited for the possibilities but not impressed with the execution. I gave examples of exactly what I didn’t like. You couldn’t handle that I had a well-formed opinion that I could back up with examples.


Thank you for the other examples of where MSU-1 is useful. I never said I had a problem with that or with MSU-1. Indeed, I went out of my way to fix the MSU-1 audio on my second SD2SNES cartridge and have helped two other people do it at-cost. I don’t have some vendetta or anti-MSU-1 agenda as you imagine I do just because I intensely dislike some of the examples I’ve seen (and described). I also described impressive examples, like Super Road Blaster and said I was excited to see what people would do with it for homebrew. I am disappointed in the pace, but beggars can’t be choosers so I accept that audio hacks are going to dominate by virtue of how much easier they are to produce.


I’ve said all of this before. Literally none of this is new. Guess all I have to add is, as the owner of a BSX Satellaview since the service was still active, I may check out the restorative hacks there. I don’t speak Japanese and having that on my SD2SNES as opposed to Higan doesn’t excite me but I am pleased that it’s possible to recreate for the people who can understand spoken Japanese and I would probably check out a translation of that.


I’d like to see a MSU-1 port of Super Russian Roulette that I can play with my Justifier.


I’d like to see more fan-made LaserDisc arcade ports.


I’d like to see in-game commentary tracks from the likes of GameHut.


Heck, I might even like a few soundtrack swaps that don’t totally screw it up.

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There's nothing official, but batch 1 shipped at the start of February, and batch 2 shipped at the start of March. If I were to guess, I'd say the next one will ship at start of April. Just check the store page every few days -- it took a few weeks for them to sell out of batch 2 SF colors.

I ordered mine on Feb.6th, and it hasn't shipped yet. I am really disappointed with how Analogue has handled the shipping charges and shipping times. People that ordered weeks past mine have had it shipped and in some cases already received it. smh.

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This just came in. Can't wait to play Super Bomberman via the Super NT on a nice big screen.


Anyone have a favorite Super Bomberman for multiplayer?



bomberman 5 is what we did 3 player with for a few hours. it was awesome. Definitely the height of bomberman technology.

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This just came in. Can't wait to play Super Bomberman via the Super NT on a nice big screen.


Anyone have a favorite Super Bomberman for multiplayer?




Go for 3, either Japanese if you can read it or the NTSC patched PAL version.

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Is anyone else having constant graphical glitches with the Super Gameboy? I tried a bunch of games and while I'm not a 100% certain it seems to happen more often on some games than others. This is being played on a PAL one.

I also tried switching to 1080p50 and PAL but it still seems to be happening.


Also, excuse me if this has been asked before but would a Game Genie function like on the Nt Mini be possible?

Edited by infinest
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Hey everyone, I'm the Kevin Lee behind the recently created Analogue Community Discord Server.





Link should never expire




Before I say anything I'd like to clear a few things up...



  1. I am not Kevtris nor does he have anything to do with it (Though we all hope he joins eventually)
  2. I have nothing to do with Analogue
  3. I am not a front for someone important to this community




So why create the server?


Simple. One did not exist, and from Google searches hoping to find a more dedicated space to discuss the hardware with other fans of the product it was clear the community was fragmented amongst many forums. Discord being what it is I hope this centralizes the community a bit more than a forum ever could.


Discord is free, and the Windows / Mac / Mobile Apps are not so bad (Avoid the web browser version if at all possible).



Like it or not Discord has pretty much become the go-to standard for online communities when it comes to chatting and / or voice chat.




We will keep the community up to date on the latest Analogue news / updates


I know the majority of you are more than capable of looking up when new firmware releases and what not... but we will be putting out server wide notices whenever an update hits either the official firmware or the Jailbreak. SmokeMonster has joined the server and seems more than willing to field questions and give us updates when / if he can.


P.S. I know SmokeMonster is a popular guy because of what he does... but I'd suggest avoiding slamming the guy with mentions and what. No need to overwhelm or scare him off haha





I know you guys here on AA are a passionate bunch. I know sometimes that causes friction (I'm new here, but I've heard stories...). If you decide to join the Discord server please try to keep it chill, I'm trying my best to leave it as unmoderated as humanly possible and so far with 200+ members it seems to be working out well that way.




I think that about covers it, I hope to see you guys / gals around in the Discord server if you have an Analogue console or if you're just interested.



Best regards,



Kevin (Not Kevtris) Lee

Edited by KevinDL
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Nobody cares about the pretentious and insipid MSU-1 debate. Can we please talk about the NT Mini and Super NT? It would be great to get an idea of the settings people are using. I am going to play around with my Super NT more this weekend and I will post what I like and what is working for me.


I like using either 4x height scaling or 5x, and then disabling vertical interpolation. It makes the image sharper. I'd suggest that. Otherwise just do whatever you like. Once the Hybrid scanlines get fixed I suggest testing them out. They're pretty cool. You can test them on 720p. They're working on that. But on 1080p they just don't work.


Also remember: the 1:1 horizontal scaling option is for a square screen, it's not for square pixels. no idea why it's done like this.


I guess that's all. And remember to save your settings if you don't want them to reset once you turn the console off. They don't automatically save.



edit: He's not Kevtris, but I bet he's totally Mr. Lee.

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I've seen people mention Retro Circuits in this thread. They're a good place to purchase high quality SNES repro carts? Do they use the correct voltage in their carts for use in a real SNES and the Super NT without the possibility of being damaged?


There's two games I'm looking at on their site I want to possibly buy. I see they also take requests.


I ordered 2 carts from them last weekend and they showed up today.




The physical/label quality of them is very nice. Thus far the games on them have been functioning as expected on the Super NT, including saving.


I opened them up to see what the boards looks like, both have the same board. I don't have enough knowledge of electronics to answer your voltage question, but here are scans of the board.





Perhaps someone can use these to provide you an answer.

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I was trying to compare apples to apples with my new OSSC but the TV only seems to support 480p with 60.08hz OSSC. I set the Super Nt to 480p and...




The OSSC didn’t fare much better with El Cheapo RGB SCART cables:




The audio buzz was terrible!


Tried some HD Retrovision cables through the OSSC instead:



Here’s a straight 240p HD Retrovision connection:



Of course, none of those can touch integer-scaled 240p scaled to cropped 5x:



Probably going to do a 60hz mod to my SFC so that I can use line triple and line quintuple modes.


Super Nt is great-the best, even-but I like having options. [emoji4]


Nobody cares about the pretentious and insipid MSU-1 debate. Can we please talk about the NT Mini and Super NT? It would be great to get an idea of the settings people are using. I am going to play around with my Super NT more this weekend and I will post what I like and what is working for me.

I did:

Any clue about these strange extra color/hi-light pixels in the checkboxes under the Fonts menu?




The MSU-1 stuff was more about showing him how he embodies the very issues he projects onto others. I did this in hopes of a more productive conversation in the future. It sounds like you want the same thing. Edited by CZroe
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Sounds interesting. Just out of curiosity, would you mind taking a photo of that pcb?

Sure thing. I'll post a photo later along with the text printed on the rom chip.


As for the clear plastic, the clear option super nt has a textured surface and that diffuses the light. The only difference between the clear super nt and a smoke gray n64 is the smoke gray has pigment in it to darken the plastic. This helps diffuse the light further and doesn't make it look like a snow cone.


As for me, I bought the classic purple and couldn't have been happier. And I own an led modded funtastic "smoke" n64 with ultrahdmi mod. ;-)

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No less offensive than a "funtastic" N64 or atomic purple Game boy Color... :roll:


Show us the misleading renders that Nintendo released for publicity for these, since otherwise your statement and roll of the eyes doesn't apply.


I'm sure it wasn't the intention of Analogue to mislead their customers, but the end result certainly is much different than the images shown prior to release. I don't blame people for being bothered that preordered on the basis of those images, and agree that it doesn't look all that attractive.


Heck, I was even tempted and I never buy electronics with clear cases when I have a choice. The render looked very good.

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I did:

The MSU-1 stuff was more about showing him how he embodies the very issues he projects onto others. I did this in hopes of a more productive conversation in the future. It sounds like you want the same thing.

1) The quotes containing stuff you didn't say seems to have confused you in some manner, but that is generally a tip that someone is talking to more than just yourself. In my last post I was talking to you, the person that said msu-1 work was a waste of time (which was obvious because I quoted them), and the person that said Msu-1 wasn't an enhancement chip.


2) How exactly does telling people to be open minded about a device and not condemn it based on a single review, based entirely upon one person's opinion being thrown around like it is universal, or overlook all the other stuff the device can offer make me guilty of doing that myself and projecting it on to others? I'm genuinely interested how you came up with that. Actually nevermind don't bother responding it will just be a waste of space on this thread.


Anyways I said I was done on the subject but since you feel the need to make digs at me I thought I would straighten you out. Now drop it. Any further stuff you feel like making up about me won't get another response. I'll simply flag it for moderation. If you want to troll or get a rise out of me you've come to the wrong person.

Edited by Jakir
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Hey everyone, I'm the Kevin Lee behind the recently created Analogue Community Discord Server.





Link should never expire




Before I say anything I'd like to clear a few things up...




  • I am not Kevtris nor does he have anything to do with it (Though we all hope he joins eventually)
  • I have nothing to do with Analogue
  • I am not a front for someone important to this community

Best regards,



Kevin (Not Kevtris) Lee

So I was wrong about my hypothesis Kevtris being involved by secretly leaking firmwares. How feasible would it be, realistically, to port over the NT Mini jb cores without access to the source files? Unless said anonymous leaker has access already... :evil:
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