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Buck rogers issues?


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Happy to report buck rogers just arrived today and all is good and so is my wico not broken. The cord in the back broke. The shielding broke at the tip base of the wico. But the wires are still in tact and it works fine. Problem is I broke my custom wico y cable that came with the wico I bought from bohoki. The y part broke so its just a straight 9 to 15 pin now.


I could get another cable off ebay but they are expensive. So I used my existing 6 foot y cable and all is good. It works with and without the y cable. But still only by it self. If I plug another joystick or masterplay clone into the other side (to press start) of the y it doesn't work. It works for buck rogers because I can use the fire button to start. But pacman and other games need a start button. So I need the Y cable. But as soon as I plug another controller in it moves buck's spaceship or what ever that thing is to the right and stays right even if I try to move left. The wico is not broken because as soon as I unplug the controller of masterplay clone it works. Buck's ship move left and right and works like normal.


Why does adding a controller make it not work. Is it my Y cable? Would getting another one help? Or maybe I will just save up and get a new one.



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if you send it to me with $2 for return postage i'll fix it and put a start button on it too


also i suggest you splint the broken wire with a chunk of popsickle stick or large paper clip and some tape


there is a repair you can do but its complicated you have to take the joystick apart free the cable then using a pin and some oil you can free the outer skin of the cable from the stress relief pull it all out then carefully split it and cut it off ,then lube up the outside cable with some alcohol and push it through the stress relief

Edited by bohoki
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