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AtariVox Speech Test Utility

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I created a speech test utility during the development of Dungeon Stalker that allows you to choose from up to 48 speech phrases on the screen at once. It's an expansion of RevEng's speech demo that's included in the 7800basic distribution. I thought it was more convenient to have more phrases to test on-screen at the same time so I wouldn't have to swap the MMC out of the CuttleCart 2 so often when I was testing speech.


Note that the phrases in this program are almost entirely from Dungeon Stalker. Feel free to re-use the words or phrases, but I'd appreciate it if you'd change up the speed & pitch to make the phrases your own if you decide to use any of them. :)


The code is well commented and fairly self explanatory on what you'd need to do to customize it for your own use. Enjoy!



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