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Here we go again (joystick not working. Help!)


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I'm sure this has been post numerous times but I've searched and still haven't come up with a solution. I got all of the buttons working on my controller but the joystick still isn't right. I have the things set at 9 o clock and 6 o clock but it's still not right. Here are the problems I'm having with the games I have. Defender: won't go right. Pac-man: sticks left. Super breakout: won't go all the way to the right but kangaroo seems to work ok. Oh and it's a 4 port 5200 if that matters. Thanks! Either way, I think I'm going to order a rebuilt controller from best but I would like to get the one I have working so I can play robotron and space dungeon. Thanks!!!!!

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CAN YOU actually adjust the sticks? It doesn't seem to matter if you set the potentiometers at 6 and 9 to me. I've done that, and I've used Missle Command , but by the time I but them together again, the original problem of non-registering rights or lefts remains.


The reason being, to get the pot's plastic stems into the stick's plastic channels, isn't there some 'give' and they'll only fit into the channels one way anyway? You aren't fitting the pot's prong into a hole, you are fitting it into a channel in the plastic. From my own tweaking with my 5200 sticks, it seems like the 5200's onboard potentiometer no longer reads certain sticks' right value properly. No amount of tweaking the sticks has improved things, so I thought I needed to open the console and tweak it there. But I never got around to doing that, so I'm not sure if I'm just plain wrong, or what. Any suggestions on this topic?

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