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Rampage Glitching On A Modded System


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So, I am having a strange problem when trying to play Rampage on my composite modded system.

After the Atari Logo Screen, the music plays, but the screen is either blank or scrambled garbage.

I can start a game, but not select my character and the in-between newsflash scenes are missing.


On my regular 7800, the game plays perfectly.


Any idea why this is happening?


Has anyone else had problems playing Rampage on modded systems, or different boards of the 7800?

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I have an AV modded 7800 using the LHE mod board. Rampage works just fine on mine, though I hadn't tested it before and can really see where the color is off on my 7800 a bit as the word Rampage is really light yellow almost beige and should be more bright.

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