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2015 Holiday Demo Contest


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Aye, as long as the program runs on an unexpanded TI with XB in the slot, it is good.


The demos with speech will run, even though you will not hear any speech without a synth.


And this will be a community vote on the winner, so (really) as long as you have a festive demo that fits the criteria, all is well.


Looks like Fredrik's demo will have to sit as a standalone program on the tape though (or at the end of side B, depending on how many more demos we have submitted), as I think it eats over half of the program space available. :)

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A box of Christmas-y goodness arrived for me today. ;)


The initial run will be on green cassettes... After that, clear with black film. The label will not change, nor will the insert... Just the cassette color.





Here's what I anticipate the final cassette will look like for the initial run:



Edited by Opry99er
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Glad you guys like them. :)


I have the numbered certificates for the green tapes designed... I think I am going to have them professionally printed. My printer just doesn't have the crisp clarity I want. The contributing programmers have first dibs on the green cassettes... After that, I'll open it up. :)


I am going to make the 25 green ones and then I have 25 clear and black tapes to fill the rest of the demand as needed. I doubt there will be 50 orders though... Nothing wrong with having extras. ;)

Edited by Opry99er
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Did a test save on the new tapes... Of course it may seem trivial to some, but given my recent luck, I was afraid the normal bias C-15 tapes I bought would not be able to handle the TI high frequencies. Luckily, it was okay and the test program saved and loaded without a hitch.


I will be saving each tape directly from the TI rather than dubbing... I don't want to risk any data loss.

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Yea, I haven't had one fail on me either, save my Pennies and Prizes tape that wore out and eventually quit loading... (Although that may have more to do with storage conditions over the years than the tape failing on its own...)


Never used a magnetic media supplier before... You have to buy in bulk with them, so I was hoping they used at least moderately decent materials... These tapes are really nice... I should have ordered 200. ;)

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hehe, cool. :)


yeah, tape was all I had for almost 5 years, and I had to buy the cheapest tapes at the dollar store (usually 90 minute tapes - the worst choice of course). The only tape I ever had fail prematurely was one that was in my pocket the first time I decided to touch an electric fence. ;)


Yes, the electrical field that raced through my body actually scrambled the tape. I was impressed. I couldn't hear the fault, but the tape never loaded again. ;)

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That's a crazy story!! Touching an electric fence smarts... I imagine it hurt even worse to lose the data though. ;)



Here's some good news....


Got my template lined up and the bleed is working properly. This is a test print to make sure my design document is in alignment.... Looks pretty good. ;)






Next step is to get each label numbered and head to the print shop. :)

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