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Out Now: Anarcho Ride V1.0 - Release for ATARI STe/FALCON


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The Ride goes online full of crazy ideas and madness!!!
• Basic Game V1.0 (8 Levels, 4 Cars)
• Expansion Pack 1 (9 Levels, 3 Cars)

Game Trailer


It comes in multiple Languages:
• English (G/Q)
• German (G/Q)
• Spanish (BETA, G)
• Polish (G)
• Vorarlbergerisch (G)
G – Game Text, Q – Quest Explanations
More languages and language updates to be expected soon.

Free Download at http://www.hd-videofilm.com/anarcho


With special thanks to JoanAM and Piotr for the Spanish and Polish translation!
The game has now been successfully tested on
• Physical machines: ATARI STe, Falcon, CT60, MIST
• Emulators: STeem, Hatari, Hataroid
Special hint for users of emulators, simulated hardware and/or MIST: make sure that the TOS Version matches the emulated hardware. Make sure that the Game has full writing access to the Floppy/Harddrive simulation.


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ANARCHO Ride got a small Christmas service update!!! V1.01

It is mainly fixing some small things:
- Automatic memory setup for 1MB machines
- Blitter - automatic activation if present but deactivated – ideal for TOS 2.06
- SETUP.PRG - Auto create ANARCHO folder bug fixed.
- New language: Bad Mood English - rated R
Known issues:
- TOS 2.06 + more than 4MB Ram: SETUP.PRG crashes.
There is no change in the Gameplay coming with this update. If your ANARCHO RIDE runs fine, there is no reason for download beside the new language.
Find instructions who to update an existing ANARCHO Ride installation on the Download page www.hd-videofilm.com/anarcho

Have FUN!


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