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Fake (?) Air Raid (again?) Ebay Australia


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I don't know much about Air Raid, but I'm pretty sure I heard that a fake one was selling a week or 2 ago. Looks like people are at it again unless I'm very much mistaken.




As far as I'm aware Air Raid is supposed to be blue and weirdly shaped, where's this looks more like either one of the repo carts, or just a complete mock-up.


Edit: Shoot, meant to post this in the market place, sorry about that!

Edited by K.Michael
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The seller clearly states it is a "repo". So where is the problem? icon_confused.gif


Well it isn't worth that much as a repossessed cart. You'll never really know how the former owner was driving it and, as they obviously could not keep up payments on it, they probably were not keeping it in the best of shape.


But, if it was a reproduction, that would be an entirely different matter.

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Repro's are valued by the buyer, if you really want that game in cartridge form and if you have no means of making it then you decide how much you wish to pay for it.


As far as material value goes, you need to add up the bits and pieces for the game. Air Raid is a standard 4K game, no special chip required.

This repro is a standard cartridge shell, so any game could be used as donor. The eprom inside of the cartridge can be as cheap as 1 to 4 USD (depends where you buy them).

All what remains is an eprom writer, some soldering skills and you got yourself an Air Raid cartridge. Adding the making of the label to it (could be done a lot better than this cartridge) would give you a bill of about 6 to 15 USD.

Depending how cheap you could buy the donor cartridge.


The bottom line is, is anyone willing to pay over 150USD for a simple repro game without box? I don't think so. These guys often hope that someone will accidently buy the game, not thinking twice about it being an original.

Besides, most people would not give 150USD for the real thing either :)


by the way, if you see a cartridge with a label that has straight corners then you know its a fake. Or maybe a cheap pirate cartridge.

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