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Has anyone else noticed?????

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Have any of my fellow 8 bit cart collectors noticed the sudden increase of cartridge prices on Ebay as of late?

I know the prices often go in cycles, but the current pricing trends are the highest that I have ever seen! Pac man is going for 10 bucks right now!! Now is the time to be selling all of those doubles!

I find the trend somewhat disheartening, as I haven't won an auction for a decent game in ages!! :sad:


Mind you, I have made some money off of sales :D


best Regards, Julian

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I've noticed too. :sad: But I think they go in waves, hopefully they will come back down soon.



I haven't won very many 8-bit auctions lately, besides for this one:





I thought that one ended kind of low, considering the Zaxxon cart in there, plus I needed an 800XL, and the tape drive. :D

And there's that neat 4-player quiz game controller thingie.

I watched that one all week, and had emailed prior to caculate shipping, which ended up being like $18, with another lot of 2600 carts, and a pong unit he threw in!



But I have been watching many of the 8-bit auctions lately, and just not been able to place bids as too many of them went above my limits. :sad:



Things will change soon thou I hope!

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I think part of the reason is that people worry about diskette based games getting damaged or their disk drive giving out on them. Cartridges are a much safer way to play Atari games since they should last a very long time so long as they are not abused.

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