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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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I sent the seller a "thank you" message: :rolling:


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Damn it everyone. I said we need to calm down a bit. Apparently a Happy Kitty wasn't enough of a calming image. Time to break out the big guns.


HAPPY OTTER! 2cdf97290b9cdab455518c902b5410b4.jpg


Really... feels like I need to repost the bucket of sloths link. Who gets mad over sloths.....

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Edit removing the above post I made and others commented since so here is the latest quote/comment:

Pick your words. Are you arguing that they "promoted" the Chameleon or that they "supported" it? Two different situations there. I don't remember seeing anything from Piko talking about "how great the Chameleon is going to be" or "it is going to be a game changer" or anything like that. I don't remember seeing Eli come into forums defending it either, when it was still vaguely possible to be a real thing.


Support? That is an iffy choice of words. By offering his games, under license, to the Chameleon if it took off, is a form of support. Sure. No more than any 3rd party licensee is supporting the parent console over the years. The big difference here is, the Chameleon was not requiring ANY additional investment from Eli or anyone else. He was told it was to run SNES, Genesis, etc games so for Eli it was a matter of turning over the code and it being put on a cartridge. He had to do nothing to make it work with the proposed console design. No investment, no overhead other than probably sending an e-mail with the ROM file as an attachment.


Now, given a chance to possibly make more sales and you have to do absolutely no work- would you? If I came up to you in life and offered you a chance to earn an additional set amount of money per hour of work and all you had to do amounted to very little additional work, would you?

I'm using promote/support in the same context. Am I saying they were out handing out Chameleon flyers? no. Having their brand attached was endorsement to a degree.


Look, you have a guy (Mike Kennedy) saying I have this neat product coming out that will supported by parties X/Y. By letting that guy use X/Y's name sake especially after the toy fair fiasco was a terrible choice.


"Now, given a chance to possibly make more sales and you have to do absolutely no work- would you? If I came up to you in life and offered you a chance to earn an additional set amount of money per hour of work and all you had to do amounted to very little additional work, would you?"


Not if it was associated with a sinking ship, which is why I said Neo Dev team took the right path.

Edited by keepdreamin
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You sir speak the truth. Preach on brotha! ;)


Thanks for the apology, btw. Even if it takes me a little longer than most here to begin trusting your channel again. But it took a pair of balls to do so, so you have my thanks. I can't think of many other channels who would have done what you did, so job well done on that.


I hope, at the very least, you'll take this as a learning lesson. I know it's easy to be star struck when you're around someone "in the industry", but maybe do a bit more reporting before not only endorsing a guy's product that doesn't exist, but also before you bash a community who is doing nothing but warning other gamers that there's a sudden smell of fish in the air, and to walk away.


If anything, I hope this validates this community's members who smelled BS many months ago, and can now see they weren't wrong for calling it out.

Edited by MotoRacer
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It's completely healthy for a console manufacturer to court game developers / publishers and try to secure a minimum library. And machines able to emulate SNES code are cheap nowadays, so I can see the agreements going on without much technical detail.

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Not if it was associated with a sinking ship, which is why I said Neo Dev team took the right path.


They did, didn't they.. Basically saying they have no further involvement. No other explanations needed either. Anyone that says that is still trustworthy.

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I'm using promote/support in the same context. Am I saying they were out handing out Chameleon flyers? no. Having their brand attached was endorsement to a degree.


Look, you have a guy (Mike Kennedy) saying I have this neat product coming out that will supported by parties X/Y. By letting that guy use X/Y's name sake especially after the toy fair fiasco was a terrible choice.


"Now, given a chance to possibly make more sales and you have to do absolutely no work- would you? If I came up to you in life and offered you a chance to earn an additional set amount of money per hour of work and all you had to do amounted to very little additional work, would you?"


Not if it was associated with a sinking ship, which is why I said Neo Dev team took the right path.

So, according to your analogy, Mike can claim that Psygnosis/Sony support his console because they have not officially come out and disavowed the console. I am referring to Apocalypse II which Mike and someone else did some two player game play in a promo video.



As far as NG Dev Team, sure, they made the right choice in their action but they have also come out to announce their own console is in the works. So this may work in their favor. They have a vested interest in limiting the availability, at a lower price, of their games on other platforms.


Anyone remember when Kenji Eno dumped on Sony and their Playstation with Enemy Zero going to the Sega Saturn? Didn't seem to work out all that well for them in the long run but they made a choice in support.

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So, according to your analogy, Mike can claim that Psygnosis/Sony support his console because they have not officially come out and disavowed the console. I am referring to Apocalypse II which Mike and someone else did some two player game play in a promo video.



As far as NG Dev Team, sure, they made the right choice in their action but they have also come out to announce their own console is in the works. So this may work in their favor. They have a vested interest in limiting the availability, at a lower price, of their games on other platforms.


Anyone remember when Kenji Eno dumped on Sony and their Playstation with Enemy Zero going to the Sega Saturn? Didn't seem to work out all that well for them in the long run but they made a choice in support.


Whatever company made the TV they're playing on needs to make a public statement too otherwise we can only assume that they are in on it. </sarcasm>

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Hey Guys,


First off I sincerely apologize for any troubles or ill fillings that I have caused with any of you.


I am humbled by this experience and have learned a valuable lesson the hard way.


Very well.. How many others will step up to the plate?

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Thanks for the apology, btw. Even if it takes me a little longer than most here to begin trusting your channel again. But it took a pair of balls to do so, so you have my thanks. I can't think of many other channels who would have done what you did, so job well done on that.


I hope, at the very least, you'll take this as a learning lesson. I know it's easy to be star struck when you're around someone "in the industry", but maybe do a bit more reporting before not only endorsing a guy's product that doesn't exist, but also before you bash a community who is doing nothing but warning other gamers that there's a sudden smell of fish in the air, and to walk away.


If anything, I hope this validates this community's members who smelled BS many months ago, and can now see they weren't wrong for calling it out.


You are absolutely correct.

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John is a good man generally. However, his public speaking is purely 1982 Computer Education Class stuff. He's noooot a personable orator.


But I do agree they probably didn't have any games working


Also the dumbest video ever


The next obvious answer is RetroCondom. We invent that and his parent's use it.

He needs to never do this again.

So let's say Mike does come back with something new. Let's pretend that guy has the gall to do it again. What do we do? It is a shame that this guy can continually be deceptive and misleading and STILL get so much attention.


This guy and this project is like the loud kid in the room. He just wants attention and we are giving it to him. I am guilty of it. I have written my share of articles about the Chameleon project because it is an interesting, dramatic story. But, just like that kid in the classroom, take away the audience and you will see the behavior disappear.


I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy. Maybe there is something wrong? Why is trying SO HARD to pull the wool over everyone's eyes? Was he always so disreputable? Was he ever loved by this community?

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So, according to your analogy, Mike can claim that Psygnosis/Sony support his console because they have not officially come out and disavowed the console. I am referring to Apocalypse II which Mike and someone else did some two player game play in a promo video.



That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? Piko and Collectorvision were KNOWN supporters/devs/whatever you choose to call them of this project for some time. I don't recall Sony once hinting that they were supporting this, do you? The onus is on them to distance themselves from said project with haste.

Edited by keepdreamin
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Hey Guys,


First off I sincerely apologize for any troubles or ill fillings that I have caused with any of you. I was asked by Mike and his team awhile ago if we'd be interested in porting some of our games over the the Chameleon. We still haven't signed anything yet officially, and at the time when they had reached out to us, it wouldn't have cost us any more work to port our games over. It made sense at the time to get involved. I've read things about some people thinking that I'm involved with the lies and deception regarding the system. I can assure you guys that I have nothing to do with the hardware side of things, and I certainly wouldn't have got involved had I known more. I've been ignorant and wrong, and I feel bad for what happened. I have been involved publicly in the gaming community since 2008, and for those who know me, they know that I pride myself of my integrity and respect in what I do and get involved with. I'm upset about this situation, and I truly hope that you guys will accept my apology. The gaming community is very important to me.

Now in regards to the deletion of my old interview with Mike talking about the RETRO VGS. That video had been "unlisted" for months now actually, and I decided to delete the video because it covers the RETRO VGS which as you guys know is no longer relevant. I don't see the point of reliving the past and dragging up things that are over. I certainly didn't mean to come across as calling you guys "haters", and I do apologize for ever alluding to that. That was wrong of me, and again ignorant and stupid for me to say.

I realize that at this point it will take time to win back my trust for some of you. I am sincerely sorry for anything I may have done or said to upset any of you guys. The honest truth is that we were asked to port a game over to the Coleco Chameleon, and that we were not in the loop to the hardware side of things. I am humbled by this experience and have learned a valuable lesson the hard way.



Well, If I may, let me start out by saying that I should think there have been few as critical of you as myself in this adventure.


The issue was never that I though you were part of a scam that you were trying to actively cheat or deceive. There are a lot of people who pay a lot of attention to what you say and hold your opinion on matters of gaming very highly. To quote from Amazing Fantasy issue 15 "...with great power there must also come -- great responsibility!"


There is nothing wrong promoting a product that you believe in. I fully believe you were just as deceived as pretty much everyone else was. That seems to be the modus operandi of MK from all the evidence and personal accounts that have come out.


Now, I should also imagine there were a few people who were just haters of the RVGS, Chameleon, or MK, or whatever else because there always are a few of those types it seems. This time around a large part of the highly vocal minority was not out on a hate parade. When you made mention of the toxicity of those on the forums, and that there are a few people trying to ruin it for everyone, you alienated a portion of your audience. There were a few people trying hard to keep others from getting taken in a sham, not ruin other peoples collecting fun times. It came off as you just shilling for a product because you had a stake in it to some degree. Even if that was not the intent that is now how myself and I think many others took it.


The rebuttals to the critics to the RVGS campaign were simply to restate the lines and lies fed to you by MK. There in lies the problem. You were being lied to and that is in no way your fault. However, there were a mob of people who were calling out the lies and providing some rather compelling evidence that MK was pulling a fast one. It seemed as rather than put in your own measure of due diligence you chose to keep repeating the lies fed to you. You are a leader of the community and a lot of people look up to you. Want it or not that puts some measure of responsibility onto you for what you put out into the public for consumption.


People aren't upset because they hate you, or don't like you, but because they feel like you were willing to help sell them snake oil. Like you were throwing us under the bus for a fast buck because you've a shot at making some cash if the RVGS took off. because we were reading what was on the forums and looking and trying to be objective. There were people here calling out with good reason to take a hard look at this mess because there is something wrong, and you were dismissing that with no objectivity. You got your info from the source, but the source was the problem. When you stand on the soap box for someone, don't do it for a liar, and when you fans are saying there is a problem, don't blow them off as haters. That's what was pissing people off and causing us to loose respect.


Now, it also takes a big man to jump into the snake pit and offer up a sincere apology. I've no problem putting the past behind me. We were willing to do it for Mike when he came back. Surely, everyone here will accept yours, and that's without you throwing a hardware guy under the bus.


As far as I'm concerned, the slate is clean. It would be nice if you would maybe say something in the future on one of your broadcasts about these guys on the forums having been right and not out to ruin it for everyone.

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Gamester81 was like a huckster selling Dr. Mike's Magic Oil and using every tactic in the book to put down detractors. "Toxic." "Haters." "It's frustrating because I see the behind-the-scenes and they don't (paraphrased)". Suggesting that detractors may be doing it for money. All of these were in the podcast I posted earlier. Now we're saying that it's okay because we found out Dr. Mike's formula was just Kool-Aid?


Probably a wee bit of projection there on Gamester81's part -- suggesting the AA "haters" were in it for the money (from whom?) was his own cry for help that he was just a paid stooge for Mikey.


I'm pretty sure he's aware which side of his bread the butter is on. When that slice of toast is resting butter-side-down on Mike's kitchen floor Gamster81's ethical organ suddenly perks up and it's mea culpa all around.

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So I've been sitting on this story for a while but I think its now time to tell another part of the story... The Jag Bar was once involved with the Coleco Chameleon kickstarter.

Wow, man. Just. Wow. Glad you were the bigger man and didn't get involved into their web of lies. Thank you for posting this. More truth comes out. This is AA reporting to you live on the RetroVGS / Chameleon trankwreck coverage. To be continued...

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