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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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Simultaneous post.


Mine, hermetic.

Scott's, a wordy tome worthy of reading, both the narrative and between the lines.


The original email I had sent to Mike was to ask him to sell the molds and move on. Not to me, I might add.

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Simultaneous post.


Mine, hermetic.

Scott's, a wordy tome worthy of reading, both the narrative and between the lines.


The original email I had sent to Mike was to ask him to sell the molds and move on. Not to me, I might add.



I'd swap my GG stock for them, just for the story. And that would be a loss, nobody would ever put anything but evil spirits on those things now.

Edited by Pipercub
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Erm, yes.


I was one of two recipients of the email which was a reply to one I had sent him the day before.


While brief, it seemed to suggest one of two things, neither of which I was inclined to follow up on.

(1) He was unaware the fake with the DVR card had been posted.

(2) He knew it had been posted but was surprised it had been uncovered as a fake.

ha, this really is a comedy. I guess Mike is the Blinkin' to the rest of the team over there. at least that's what he wants us to believe?


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Erm, yes.


I was one of two recipients of the email which was a reply to one I had sent him the day before.


While brief, it seemed to suggest one of two things, neither of which I was inclined to follow up on.

(1) He was unaware the fake with the DVR card had been posted.

(2) He knew it had been posted but was surprised it had been uncovered as a fake.


Do you think there is any chance that he will post about that in here? If he didn't have any idea that

it was a SNES in a Jag shell and he didn't have any idea that somebody picked a PC card from a box

and put it into the Jag shell, and he didn't know where he was, and he didn't know who he was.


I would like to read that explanation. Maybe one of the podcasters could have him on a show, one on one.

They did that in pinball-world after the great scams of Predator and Gremlins and John Popadiuk. I think.

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I'm legitimately curious what any of those guys actually DID these past 12 or whatever months. They clearly weren't working on developing a console

Nothing really aside from silencing the critics.


But I'm sure plans after the successful Kickstarter was over went something like this...





And finally a year later after the donations are spent...



Mike, I think you might have dodged a bullet there! :lolblue:

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Do you think there is any chance that he will post about that in here? If he didn't have any idea that

it was a SNES in a Jag shell and he didn't have any idea that somebody picked a PC card from a box

and put it into the Jag shell, and he didn't know where he was, and he didn't know who he was.


Probably not here but expect it to be said during a future interview, in much the same way that he threw John Carlsen under the bus, claiming to not know about his video.

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Probably not here but expect it to be said during a future interview, in much the same way that he threw John Carlsen under the bus, claiming to not know about his video.


I see the show is up....am I correct in assuming that the Coleco-talk is in the 'Live news'-section?




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Don't take it out of context I was replying to a thread way above the one that said Mike may do suicide, which I didn't read till after I posted


It was relating to shooting the Retro VGS instead


I wasn't endorsing the death of any person and hope that anyone that feel suicidal should get help

With all due respect, it seemed as though you were suggesting that Mike should face a firing squad for his crimes, or perform the act himself. Killing people is not a joke, whether self inflicted or someone else. So I misread your post, but still. I make jokes as much as the next person, but there are certain boundaries that need not be crossed.


Regardless I accept your appology. It seems Mike may have been over enthusiastically optimistic at first, which may have changed into a delusion that he could succeed if he just secured the right funding or found the right hardware guy. Later came denial, and finally outright lying and censorship. Game Gavel and Retro Mag gave him some success and confidence, but it is clear, regardless of intentions, that Mike Kennedy has bitten off more than he can chew. He clearly will need counseling of some sort coming out of this debacle. I hope he gets it, and he can work out some business venture or at least find gainful employment awayfrom the limelight that is the interwebs. Regardless, he should take a long break and think about how silly he acted throughout all of this, and question what he is doing with his life.

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No, it was aimed at Retro VGS


It was following this quote

StopDrop&Retro, on 01 Mar 2016 - 7:45 PM, said:snapback.png


Well, well, well... Mr. "Who cares? Let it die!" showed up to the execution. :grin:

Told you mods this is a fascinating topic that keeps delivering.

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I finally got caught up with this thread as the sun will be coming up soon. Before I go to bed, I'd like to address my concern:


@UKMike @Pipercub


From what you guys are saying and others close to him, Mike Kennedy seemed really clueless regarding what is going on surrounding the Chameleon debacle. Do you think he is flat out lying, delusional (as in totally clueless as to what he is saying or doing), or is some other unnamed person (possibly "Li"/"Lee") really the true mastermind behind the lies, scams, and fake prototypes, using Mike as a puppet? Mike Kennedy must be in an incredible amount of duress as all his hopes and dreams have gone to shambles in this rather dramatic online soap opera. All joking aside, me and several others on this forum are at least somewhat concerned for his well being.

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This is a small and connected community and if the organizational chart of people connected to this fiasco (by actual involvement) could be drawn it would be more vast than most of the observers here can imagine, but that network is in place and many of those people are talking and sharing. Many of us did not know about the promo video guy until his excellent video was recently posted, and he has likely never heard of many of us that were involved, but now we know one more guy that saw the same thing. And that pattern keeps repeating itself.


You've highlighted a very important aspect of this whole affair that wasn't immediately apparent until we all took two steps backwards.


No one except Mike had access to the full picture (and thus the full scope) of the project. There were people involved who weren't even aware of each other and in some cases they were duplicating the efforts of others all because one guy had to have total control and knowledge -- ironic, because it's likely Mike was afraid of being squeezed out by knowledgeable people who might have realized he's not actually contributing anything. Pre-emptive elimination of internal competition. So everyone's participation is limited and if anyone starts to make too much noise they'd get left out of a few Skype conferance calls and get soft-fired from the project without knowing it. Or they got frustrated and left. Mike couldn't control Kevin -- couldn't get him to cough up something for free and was introducing some engineering and fiscal reality into what were basically fantasy football discussions. Kev would have eventually been squeezed out in favour of John once Mike realized that they would inevitably begin to compare notes or have different ideas about what was feasable. Far easier for Mike to say that Kev is a troublemaker and is no longer allowed in the sandbox and that's why we aren't including him in the meeting today. The first inkling we got of this was Woita's surprise that Kev wasn't working with them and hadn't been for months. Whoops! Forgot to send the memo that the key hardware guy is no longer with us. Oh well, don't worry, hardware guys are a dime-a-dozen we'll just drive by the hardware engineer store (aka some tech discussion forum) and hire another.


When one guy is trying to wear all the hats (in some cases, badly -- as you're just parroting technical terms with no idea what you talking about) no one can work effectively. I'm sure Mike sees it as how Nolan ran Atari in the early days. Just as we associate Atari's early success with Nolan I'm sure Mike wanted to be remembered as some sort of tech guru. Likely convinced himself that just saying smart sounding things and keeping people in the dark or badmouthing them to their peers was enough to keep him on top.

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@UKMike @Pipercub


From what you guys are saying and others close to him, Mike Kennedy seemed really clueless regarding what is going on surrounding the Chameleon debacle. Do you think he is flat out lying, delusional (as in totally clueless as to what he is saying or doing), or is some other unnamed person (possibly "Li"/"Lee") really the true mastermind behind the lies, scams, and fake prototypes, using Mike as a puppet?


When I saw Piko's comments about Mike apparently not knowing what was inside the case at the Toy Fair, part of me could believe it. A hardware guy could baffle him with science and tell him A was in the box when it was actually B, and Mike would not know the difference and might take his word for it. He wouldn't necessarily look for more information than he wanted to hear. You could show him a SNES motherboard and he would not know it was a SNES motherboard. Add in the power supply and SNES carts and AV cable etc and things become clearer, even to Mike.

An example of that is when I flew in to Vegas to surprise him at CGE 2012. He walked into the bathroom where I was sat on the can with my trousers down as though in process. He then slammed the door shut and said to Scott "There's somebody in there that looks like UK MIke." He then carried on his previous conversation as though nothing had happened and chose not to do anything with that information.


However, as things have come to light, it is quite clear that he has no hardware, even after all this time, he has no hardware and he certainly knows that. He cancelled the Kickstarter for a reason and that reason may come to light at some point but rest assured he cancelled it for a reason.

Mike has verbal diarrhoea as we know and name checks people he may have had an email from and repeats buzzwords he is told like FPGA and ARM etc but he absolutely knows he has no hardware and is caught so deep in the lie he has to keep going.


Just why others such as David Giltinan propagate the lie I couldn't say. Are they also being hoodwinked by Mike or are they in it? I don't know that but what I do know is that Mike is flat out lying.



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You've highlighted a very important aspect of this whole affair that wasn't immediately apparent until we all took two steps backwards.


No one except Mike had access to the full picture (and thus the full scope) of the project. There were people involved who weren't even aware of each other and in some cases they were duplicating the efforts of others all because one guy had to have total control and knowledge -- ironic, because it's likely Mike was afraid of being squeezed out by knowledgeable people who might have realized he's not actually contributing anything.



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