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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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It sounded like UKMike and Pipercub were completely shut out by the formation of a new company.

It sounded rather similar to how Mark Zuckerberg apparently cut one of the original Facebook founders from that company:


It seems believable to me that he would do that.


It seems unbelievable to me that anyone would ever think that this project would produce something worth protecting in this fashion.

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I'm pretty naive to the world of business, but what's with all the separate "companies," anyway? Is it just to avoid personal financial or legal responsibility if things fail? Tax shelter or other technical gimmicks? It all seems needlessly complex to me, and possibly overly concerned with seeming grownup, professional, or serious. They got the big picture so incredibly wrong, so I wonder how deep the sickness goes.



I'd say a little of column A and a little of column B.


All I know is Mike has probably made some out-of-work forensic accountants very happy.

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It sounded like UKMike and Pipercub were completely shut out by the formation of a new company.

It sounded rather similar to how Mark Zuckerberg apparently cut one of the original Facebook founders from that company:


As Mike took on and let go people for various projects he couldn't pay wages and paid in shares that may have value if he hit it big.


He gave so many he was a minority holder if they all discovered each other.


He also ran out of shares to give away for new projects so started a new company.


This had 2 benefits. He could give away more stock and cut all previous shareholders out of any success.

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The "should they agree to inspection" is probably an pointed comment. Since we have not seen the contract between RETRO Video Game Systems and Coleco Holdings, I am willing to bet there is a clause to dissolve agreement if RVGS does not agree to inspections of hardware as Coleco Holdings sees fit (maybe to ensure their brand is not being ripped off or something).

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"What purpose the PCI card served". :ponder:


Interesting about the, "should they agree to an inspection" line..




I'd be very cautious about what's being broadcasted on the 'Coleco' end of things. With all we've experienced in this saga is manipulating both sides of a social media conversation to give the appearance of legitimacy completely out of the question now?


I know that sounds paranoid but the players involved have continually sunk lower than even my most pessimistic expectations.

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Uh, I'm pretty sure anyone with at least a handful of braincells and one functioning MK1 eyeball knows 'what purpose the PCI card served'

Yes. From what I can see, Mike is screwed. If he "explains what purpose the PCI card served," he'll have to admit out loud that it was willful deception (since there is no other explanation), and Coleco will have all the excuse they need to cut him loose. If he refuses to explain anything, or if he refuses an inspection, again Coleco has a valid excuse to cut him loose. (They did say earlier that they were "demanding an inspection" within seven days, and that Mike could not request a delay, so it's not as if he has many other options left.)


It doesn't take much reading between the lines to see that Coleco wants to get rid of him, and that the gestures they're making to give him the chance to defend himself are just going through the motions. Once Coleco officially dumps him, and after the way this whole thing has blown up as publicly as it did, Mike's name will be solid poison as far as anything to do with gaming is concerned. I'll be amazed if GameGavel and RETRO Magazine don't go down with him.

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I'll be amazed if GameGavel and RETRO Magazine don't go down with him.

If it were me, I'd want to make a clean break. These aren't big money enterprises, and seem like long-time losers to me. The RETRO Kickstarter money is probably all gone. Go back to the real paycheck job, do some outdoorsy athletic things, quit the retro gaming scene for a while if not forever.


Maybe I'm pessimistic, a "hater," or just not "an entrepreneur through and through," but I can think of no more effective way to ruin a fun hobby than to try to make it into a profitable business.

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oh well there you go. that is actually cool and makes me want to see the electronics used in this dental camera.


They're just as obsolete as the Atari Jaguar, you know. Ancient history!


In that case, the next project should be RDCS or retro dental cam system. This should be marketed to dentists who miss the original version. :)

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They're just as obsolete as the Atari Jaguar, you know. Ancient history!

That may be but I have seen some dental offices that still have them. One that I know doesn't use it anymore but he has it there as a showpiece cause he liked the design :D LOL

I just want to see the connection for the memory module :)

Edited by MagnaRyuu
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Do we know who took the CaptureCard-in-a-Jag setup photos?


Something tells me Mike was involved, at least one clear case shell was made WITH THE CC logo imprinted for the CaptureCard fiasco, and up to that point it was all about black shells.

Sure it could be they planned reward tiers with clear cases but then again it's all Mike as well, he's the one calling the shots, likely only he knew this part, if it's a Jag clear case [to be sold here on the AA forum] to which they posthumously attached the sticker again it's gonna be on him as he has the stock of the Jag clear case shells (under his bed?)


Also the proto card seems to be having the same "CC proto 1" sticker of the one at the Fair either because printed by the same guy or actually the same cart Mike held in his hands minus the SD2SNES. Did they send it back after the fair and after Piko told him it's an SD2SNES and all the rest? Mike he's very scheme-oriented he would have kept it to throw the hw guy under the bus and give himself an alibi.




Just noticed the FB RVGS page deleted all pictures of the SNES-in-a-Jag blunder with the exception of Piko playing his own PCB cart from afar, also the only Toy Fair video is the one playing Apocalypse 2.

The RVGS website hasn't been touched since before the Fair.

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That may be but I have seen some dental offices that still have them. One that I know doesn't use it anymore but he has it there as a showpiece cause he liked the design :D LOL

I just want to see the connection for the memory module :)

Don't let Mike find out or he'll beat you there and pronto the new CC protoype.

Coleco Chameleon "Remember when, Play again but with oral hygiene this time, and an ergonomic hand-piece to shove it"

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At this rate, the next podcast is going to be four hours long. So much has changed just since the last video Pat did. I hope we get word from Coleco before they record.

Unfortunately I've spent so much time the last few days reading through this thread, and consuming CC content linked within it that I don't think they'll have anything to say I haven't heard ?


Some of the aforementioned content has just ended up annoying me anyway with incorrect details through poor research. Not going to name anyone but it has proven to me how important it is to go to multiple sources to get the whole picture. Or at least enough of the picture to have any understanding as to what's going on.

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