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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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Pretty cool Video from silvermania. Very cool guy. Jumps in after the whole Thing is already over, makes his Video to promote himself and even wants to make Money selling scam T-Shirts based on the Project. I'm glad I never heard of this guy before. Hope I never hear from him again. This Project didn't Show us just the worse side of Mike Kenedy. It showed us the worse sides of this whole "communiy". Good it also showed many of us the best sides of this whole community. And a lot of it is right here in These Forums.

Edited by leods
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its a lizard eat lizard world. i feel you tho, thats the problem with hype these days. hype used to be a tool, now its a front to elevate something which inherently knows it has little to no substance. and hell, for $10 a shirt he'd probably sell thousands. for $25 a shirt, he's making himself into a capitalist at best. either way, its his dime and time fabbing up that chameleon and not selling the reaction in the actual video as much as he could have. why not go all the way with it and put the snes board in the shell and run some final fight on it. that would have made me laugh a lot.

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Somebody needs to alert Albert! He needs to know this important information:




I think we are only supposed to communicate by making videos these days. Maybe Albert can turn AtariAge into AtariTube. Warm up your smartphones, it's selfie video time! Remember, post a selfie video instead of typing words any time you want to comment on anything. That's the way we do it in 2016.




He'd probably be ok with us using Facebook and Twitter also. :)

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Isn't Facebook and Twitter also a type of forum? Anything where people can add multiple comment, suggestion, or flame to one post is a forum.



Yep; I was thinking the same thing. They're not even very good at being forums (especially Twitter). Silly millennial is fooled by a marketing gimmick.

Apparently to become modern all Al needs to do is call AA a "Social Network" and start data mining for fun and profit.


Leods is right about the opportunism, though blood in the water tends to attracts sharks. Much props to the guy for making a realistic unboxing up until the point he opens the Jag shell. Pipercub needs that box!

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Isn't Facebook and Twitter also a type of forum? Anything where people can add multiple comment, suggestion, or flame to one post is a forum.

Facebook and Twitter are where the riffraff and wannabes hang out. People who have something intelligent to contribute to a hobby or otherwise will join a forum and discuss stuff within the community.


How many times do you have some issue with your PC or some other problem and did a Google search and found the solution on Twitter/Facebook? Probably not many. Someone signed up a tech forum and posted a similar issue to yours and Google pointed you to the thread which contained the solution courtesy of someone else who posted helpful replies.


So during the course of retro gaming, it is no surprise that a lot of questions, when Googled, will direct users to places like Atariage, et al.

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Facebook and Twitter are where the riffraff and wannabes hang out. People who have something intelligent to contribute to a hobby or otherwise will join a forum and discuss stuff within the community.


How many times do you have some issue with your PC or some other problem and did a Google search and found the solution on Twitter/Facebook? Probably not many. Someone signed up a tech forum and posted a similar issue to yours and Google pointed you to the thread which contained the solution courtesy of someone else who posted helpful replies.


So during the course of retro gaming, it is no surprise that a lot of questions, when Googled, will direct users to places like Atariage, et al.


That's basically how I see it. Forums are for specialized interests and information while social networking is for...well...



On a more serious note, something that annoys me about YouTube is that they got rid of the video responses. I hate the format of the separate conversations that are in order of most recent instead of beginning to end and how you have to click more to read anything longer than a Tweet. I preferred back when you could ignore all of that and focus on the video responses. Someone would make point or ask a question in a video, under it would be like 10 video responses, you could watch all of them, and then watch the responses to the responses. By the time you get done you have a firm grasp on everyone's stance, figure out your own based on all the points you agree to, get introduced to and know new channels, etc. All the disorganized comments below just seem like a bunch of random people arguing in the theater during the movie.

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Yep; I was thinking the same thing. They're not even very good at being forums (especially Twitter). Silly millennial is fooled by a marketing gimmick.

Apparently to become modern all Al needs to do is call AA a "Social Network" and start data mining for fun and profit.


Leods is right about the opportunism, though blood in the water tends to attracts sharks. Much props to the guy for making a realistic unboxing up until the point he opens the Jag shell. Pipercub needs that box!

Your damn right I do, I emailed the guy and found the place that made it for him. I will be following up on all channels to get one or more of these. If anyone knows this guy please ping him on my behalf!!!

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Isn't Facebook and Twitter also a type of forum? Anything where people can add multiple comment, suggestion, or flame to one post is a forum.

It's like an unstructured forum where you can't find anything or follow the thread of any conversation. Progress.

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Somebody needs to alert Albert! He needs to know this important information:




I think we are only supposed to communicate by making videos these days. Maybe Albert can turn AtariAge into AtariTube. Warm up your smartphones, it's selfie video time! Remember, post a selfie video instead of typing words any time you want to comment on anything. That's the way we do it in 2016.




"I got all my info from someone who got it from someone else and DID give credit. So I'm covered. It's current year you know!"


(nobody tell him they still print books and people still use them, his head might explode)

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Somebody needs to alert Albert! He needs to know this important information:




I think we are only supposed to communicate by making videos these days. Maybe Albert can turn AtariAge into AtariTube. Warm up your smartphones, it's selfie video time! Remember, post a selfie video instead of typing words any time you want to comment on anything. That's the way we do it in 2016.





For the videos, don't forget to shout and swear.


If you really want to make more like 2016, you can only use internet acronyms and emojis when you comment on a video with a heavy emphasis on using emojis. Worrying about grammar will be unnecessary.

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It's like an unstructured forum where you can't find anything or follow the thread of any conversation. Progress.


While forum topics do get off topic (case in point), Facebook, twitter, etc are perfect mediums for the stream of consciousness thinking and writing that is prevalent. It seems like a lot of articles on the net are written that way as well, and it is one reason for the the poor usage of grammar and the writing of disjointed thoughts.

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Still don't and won't ever believe any babble from these RETRO guys when their entire community they interact with and share media with have said shit was up since IGG and they mysteriously missed all the memos, yet somehow found time to respond to the haters via social media and podcasts when they saw fit. I don't think it's a coincidence we never saw their collective exodus until they knew the system was 110% fucked because they had visions of RETRO magazine/Chameleon bundles sugarplums dancing in their heads.

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Don't fret, I think there's enough going on still that this WILL reach 300 pages and 50,000 views sooner or later. :P


There's still the grand questions of where Mike Kennedy is now, how long he'll stay silent for, and what his next venture will be. :-D


Seriously, I don't wish any ill will on him. I hope he's learned from all this and can go back to being the guy I enjoyed listening to on RGR and other podcasts before this 'sickness' claimed him.

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