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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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This whole SNES thing too is pathetic and I am certain he knocked that up himself. (really badly) If you gave me a week I reckon I could knock up something more believable with a Raspberry Pi. At least it would have USB ports and HDMI.


Hope I haven't given him any ideas. LOL


Raspberry Pi & HDMI.. It rhymes!!

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It's been 2 days without reward tiers announcements .... weird.

"Climax interruptus" or something?


They had this tweet yesterday:

"we have a lot more to say and SHOW this week. Hang with us."


Maybe it's too early in SoCal.



EDIT: I can only imagine the pressure the hw guy is under, attempting to deliver something believable in 5 days to shush all of us ..... (as if).

Edited by phoenixdownita
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This is a little surreal: I took this screencap of replies to yesterday's announcement to wait for more announcments. After reflecting, I decided I'd just post a synopsis and a link here instead. So I went back for said link and all of the replies were gone.


(EDIT: Tep392 says later the replies are still there)



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This is a little surreal: I took this screencap of replies to yesterday's announcement to wait for more announcments. After reflecting, I decided I'd just post a synopsis and a link here instead. So I went back for said link, and all of the replies were gone--it seems they shut down the option to reply under that subject.



All this coming from the MASTER of hype speak. Hype NOT restored. (yet I can't stop keeping up with this. Its so bizarre)

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From the replies posted by PlaysWithWolves:


"I never dreamed my kids would be able to experience games as I did as a kid with my NES and Sega."


I don't want to overreact, but what the hell are these people talking about??? If the NES and Sega Genesis are what they want, they can still buy both TODAY!!! The systems are relatively cheap, are available from multiple sources, and there are plenty of games that can be bought on cartridge for peanuts even in today's inflated market!!! Why do we need a whole new console to "bring them back"???


Now I know why Pat Contri flipped out over the same subject on the most recent #CUPodcast. It's amazing that people are blindly buying into this thing without even asking whether it has any reason to exist.

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From the replies posted by PlaysWithWolves:




"I never dreamed my kids would be able to experience games as I did as a kid with my NES and Sega."

I don't want to overreact, but what the hell are these people talking about??? They can buy the NES and Sega Genesis TODAY, if that's what they want!!! The systems and games are relatively cheap, are available from multiple sources, and there are plenty of games that can be bought on cartridge for peanuts even in today's inflated market!!! Why do we need a whole new console to "bring them back"???


Don't turn my tears of joy into tears of sadness.

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I don't want to overreact, but what the hell are these people talking about??? If the NES and Sega Genesis are what they want, they can still buy both TODAY!!! The systems are relatively cheap, are available from multiple sources, and there are plenty of games that can be bought on cartridge for peanuts even in today's inflated market!!! Why do we need a whole new console to "bring them back"???

Something new that repackages the old is cool. Actual old things that you can't buy off the shelf at Walmart or Target are icky and not cool at all.

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This is a little surreal: I took this screencap of replies to yesterday's announcement to wait for more announcments. After reflecting, I decided I'd just post a synopsis and a link here instead. So I went back for said link and all of the replies were gone.


(EDIT: Tep392 says later the replies are still there)





Mike keeps talking about how they will eventually respond about the allegations they had a SNES in the Jag shell. If he was able to prove we are all wrong, that proof would have been shown at the Toy Fair.


There's absolutely nothing he can show at this point to disprove it. Anything he'd show in a new video (or whatever format he chooses) would likely not be the same system that was at the fair. It's too late for any meaningful proof.

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Not proof, but if he can show a working SNES with FPGA hacked into it AND RUNNING, just days after the fair, then it's certainly possible that is what they had running at the time. We can only speculate why he didn't feel the need to open it up and show the proof at the time.

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This is unbelievable. I bet Mike is actually wasting his time making some Kind of Frankenstein that Looks like his "prototype" but is something else. And he's going to Show that and hope People will believe that was his prototype in the fair. As if he needed a full week to Show that.


I can't believe he can't come up with a proper prototype, of invest some time thinking of reaward tiers that make some sense, but he has time to waste making fakes for a fake prototype. How fake can this get?


And there is NO WAY that wasn't an SNES. No one would ever scrape an SNES back Panel to use as AC in and AV out. Not when it doesn't fit their Shell. There is no way someone would have scraped and retraced an SNES board to make a System. It's just ridiculous to even consider that. It's still more probable that they got the new proto done in a week to cover their asses than it is that they made a prototype that Looks and functions exactly like an SNES.


But it's still more probable that their next bit Revelation will be another incompetent hack Job that will dig their grave even deeper.

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Why would it take so long for them to gin up a "formal response"?


I'd settle for the plain truth.


If it were my project, I would have prioritized that over getting "dug out from all the great leads from the show."


I guess I'm not "keeping the faith."


I'm so grateful my boss doesn't speak in assy clichés like this person. At least we know that's definitely Mike Kennedy answering the RVGS Facebook questions.

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Are you sure about that? I just took this screen cap a minute ago. Anyhow, it does look like he's admitting there's an SNES inside.


Like most of what Mike says, his poor language skills (or great political skills), make the wording vague-enough to be interpreted in a number of different ways.





We will be making a formal response soon to this explaining that it was not just a SNES stuffed into our shell.


Meaning 1:


We will be making a formal response soon to this, explaining that it was not just "a SNES stuffed into our shell".


Meaning 2:


We will be making a formal response soon to this, explaining that it was not only a SNES that was stuffed into our shell.





The excitement should still be high for the first fully architected FPGA gaming console we've created.


Meaning 1:


The excitement should still be high for our creation of the "first fully architected FPGA gaming console".


Meaning 2:


The excitement should still be high for our-first fully architected FPGA gaming console.


(Since he's conveniently dismissing projects like the FPGA-Arcade, the MiST, the OneChipMSX, the Zemmix Neo, etc.)


Edited by elmer
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Is "fully architected" a thing now?

Well IF all they "intend" to use is a Cyclone V SE (dual ARM + FPGA) then it kind of make sense, IF instead they have an ARM SoC (you know with a GPU and other goodies) + Cyclone V E (FPGA only) then it would be misleading.

If they really go the Cyclone V E (no GPU) route it's gonna be fun to have anything else but old systems (modern GPUs for ARM based SoC be it Mail or PowerVR or else are a tad complex to even think about making them in a small-ish FPGA) .... and NO, making a simple linear framebuffer (even at 24bits) will not really cut it for any sort of modern but retro-looking game that is any visually pleasing.

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