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No PAC-Man for 7800, etc.


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I came to the realization that PAC-Man was not released for the 7800 which really sux. Why?



I also just got DK and DK JR. Why does the screen order not follow the arcade versions? Was there some advantage to this?

Also, the graphics are nice but the sound really BITES. I guess the system is incapable of better sound or just a rush job?


On the brighter side, Ms.Pac-Man is FANTASTIC on the 7800.

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I came to the realization that PAC-Man was not released for the 7800 which really sux. Why?  


It was planned, they just never got around to it. Ms. Pac-Man was all the rage by then (84 when the 7800 was being developed) so they probably just decided to bypass it.



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I guess it would be, but man...Mrs. Pac Man was so awesome, who cares about Pac?


I would rather see effort poured into another game.


And DK and DK Jr are reknowned as some of the weaker ports for an otherwise great port system.


Some great ports for the system are

Mario Bros, Mrs. Pac-Man, Xevious, Joust, Double Dragon, Crossbow, Robotron, Dig Dug, Rampage, Pole Position II and Galaga (until level 10)




Cousin Vinnie

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I also just got DK and DK JR.  Why does the screen order not follow the arcade versions?


I know the order of screens in Kong follows the order for the screens on the Japanese version, and I assume it's the same way with Kong Jr.


Also, the graphics are nice but the sound really BITES.


It's funny, I never have understood the whining that goes on about the 7800's supposedly terrible sound, until I got Kong Jr. only a couple of months ago. Yeah, the sound on that one totally sucks, I heard a lot of sounds from various 2600 games on that one. I don't have every single 7800 game made though, but in general I don't think the sound is as bad as people make it out to be.

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Who cares about Pac-Man not being ported to the 7800? How about those who waited for Pac-Man to show on the ColecoVision fruitlessly, only to find it finally released years later through the Classic Gaming Expo event? Personally, I wouldn't mind having Pac-Man AND Ms. Pac-Man on the same system done in the same format.

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Ms. Pac-Man has good sound. Why couldn't a 7800 Pac-Man also have good sound?


And we've already seen 2600 Ms. Pac hacked into a better Pac-Man. Couldn't the same thing be done with 7800 Ms. Pac-Man?


I asked about this before. The only decent Pac-Man I have is for the 5200. I'd love to have a 7800 Pac-Man.


But I can remember that back in the day, once Ms Pac hit the scene, Pac-Man was forgotten - largely because the changing mazes made it more interesting.

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Well...for me I like Pac Man...I even like the 2600 version...lol. So I'd like to see it...I have yet to see a good home version of Pac Man that runs like the arcade...even on MAME. The ROMS I have. the Midway version doesn't work...it seems like I had a working version a long time ago, but it doesn't jive with the newer versions of MAME.


Anyway...I'd like to see a good clean port that looks and plays at the same speed as the original. Why? because I have not seen one yet! The 5200 is about the best Pac Man port I have seen. Even the retro PC cd's are not true to the game...they either run too fast or have some stupid ass border around it...I can't even play namco arcade classics on the DC because the stupid borders bug me.


I don't know...to each his own I guess...but I'd like to see it.



A good port of Crossbow or Chiller with a light gun would be nice also...



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AAAAHHH!!!! What a great idea!!! :love:


No, it was never ported to any console, let alone Atari


I know just about every little nuance about that game (the differences that were programmed), and I would love to help someone attempt it.


Damn. If I wasn't already Learning Visual Studio .NET (Along with C#) and LANSA (for my job), I would attempt at learning how to program for the 7800 myself.

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Thanks for the replies, you guys are great ;) I would sure like to see PacMan on the 7800. I thought the sound was from the 2600, but I figured that cant be!


As far as the DK and DKjr screens being in the wrong order... The Donkey Kong arcade version I remember had the "steel beams" screen as the second screen, not the "elevator" screen like on the 7800. And on the DKJR arcade model, the "birds/key-lock" screen was the second screen, not the "spring-jump" screen like the 7800 version.


I poured alot of quarters in those machines back in the day, so I remember well. Man, Im starting to feel pretty old right now. :D

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I look at it like this:


1. Is there interest in a 7800 Pac-Man?

Yes. Absolutely.


So then you've got to answer:


2. Is it possible to hack a 7800 cart?

I don't know - I don't have the tech knowledge.


And if it is possible to hack a 7800 cart:


3. Can 7800 Ms. Pac-Man be changed into Pac-Man?

If yes,


4. Is there someone out there with the skills and abilities willing to do it?

... we can only hope...

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Am I missing something?


What is the difference between PAC-MAN and Ms.PAC-MAN except different mazes and a bow on Ms.P's head.


I don't really want to see the say games re-hashed on the 7800, I'd much rather see effort put towards whole new games. Something like Atari's 720' which I believe was meant for release on the 7800 but was never finished (maybe not even started!)



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I came to the realization that PAC-Man was not released for the 7800 which really sux. Why?  


It was planned, they just never got around to it. Ms. Pac-Man was all the rage by then (84 when the 7800 was being developed) so they probably just decided to bypass it.




Plus add to the fact that the guy who wrote Ms Pac Man for Namco (Doug Macrae) also worked for GCC, the company that designed the 7800 and also wrote the 7800 version of Ms. Pac Man....





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Am I missing something?


What is the difference between PAC-MAN and Ms.PAC-MAN except different mazes and a bow on Ms.P's head.


The fruits bounce around, and (arcade-wise) Pacman original sets had patterns you could follow whereas Mspacman added randomness to the pink/red ghosts thus killing any chance of creating a pattern. :P


Oh and the sounds are different :D


Oh (sorry, I keep remembering more stuff as I type :P) and the fruits randomize at the highest level unlike pacman where you consistently get that 5000 pt. key :)


(edit) oops one more difference. The intermissions are different lol


j/k of course. I know what you mean ;)

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I am tired of people dumping on Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. for the 7800. Sure, the sound sucks, and that's a bit of a disappointment (because I REALLY like the sounds in the arcade Donkey Kong). But the gameplay is great (even if I do have trouble getting off at the top of ladders in DK).


I think the best ports for the 7800, though, are Joust and Robotron: 2084.


I wish they had done a 7800 version of Defender!

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I am tired of people dumping on Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. for the 7800.  Sure, the sound sucks, and that's a bit of a disappointment (because I REALLY like the sounds in the arcade Donkey Kong).  But the gameplay is great (even if I do have trouble getting off at the top of ladders in DK).


Not to mention, they look HELLA better than the 2600 versions.

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The 84-86 release bungle has made the 7800 one of the quirkiest

libraries around. But honestly Ms Pac is an improvement over Pacman

and what would you rather have Galaga or Galaxian or even Space

Invaders? The early 80s arcade games that we do have are just a tease

for the many fine games it didn't get. I'd love to have seen Frogger

and Missle Command.



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I am tired of people dumping on Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. for the 7800.  Sure, the sound sucks, and that's a bit of a disappointment (because I REALLY like the sounds in the arcade Donkey Kong).  But the gameplay is great (even if I do have trouble getting off at the top of ladders in DK).


I think the best ports for the 7800, though, are Joust and Robotron: 2084.


I wish they had done a 7800 version of Defender!


If you turn the sound off, they are great games. I just wish DK had all 4 screens.

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