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Bottom of the Bunch for 5200 - Anyone LIKE these games?


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Mr. Do's Castle would be alright if it wasn't for the controller, it's ok on the 8-bit but still not a great port.


Blueprint is pretty decent although once again not the best. I'm surprised that there wasn't an 8-bit port.


Zenji is actually one of my favorite games for the system, it's a fun puzzle game and the 5200 controller doesn't hurt it too much. It's better on the 8-bit though due to the more precise controls.


I've always wanted to give Space Shuttle a fair shake but I hate simulation games and I don't feel like reading the thick manual on how to play.


I really wanted to like Astrochase but I just can't get into it. The animationed cutscenes are funny (especially the last one), but the game itself is just 'meh'.


Return of the Jedi really needed a third screen. The first one is alright if nothing special and the second one is pretty fun, but they get old fast. Maybe something to do in the hyperspace screen or something? Even back in the day my friend and I would only play it for 5 minutes or so before moving on to something else.


007 is just a bad game no matter what system it's on.

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The issue with Star Wars Arcade (all versions) is the pilot control scheme in what's essentially a point-and-click type game. It worked pretty well in the arcade because you felt like you were aiming an actual gun; it doesn't really translate to handheld joysticks.

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The issue with Star Wars Arcade (all versions) is the pilot control scheme in what's essentially a point-and-click type game. It worked pretty well in the arcade because you felt like you were aiming an actual gun; it doesn't really translate to handheld joysticks.

You are wrong. I dont have a problem with it. It takes some getting used to but once you find the rhythm the game is a breeze on console. I have never played the 5200 version but seeing how the reticule seems to stick to the middle of the screen and those joysticks dont center, I can see how that would be a massive problem. It's completely fine on 2600 and colecovision.

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Quest for Quintana roo is an awesome game. I've never played it on 5200. I got it on coleco. I originally hated it for years, till I found it what you're actually supposed to do.

I've never given that game a fair shake. I really need to try it.

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Until right now, I had no idea what Quintana Roo's gameplay was or what the graphics looked like. Just watched a YT video of CV version. Seems a fair treasure-hunting adventure game. Less appealing that Pitfall or Pitfall II, or Montezuma's Revenge. Seems on-par, or better, than crappy old 007.


I don't recall seeing the game on store shelves ever, back in the day.

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If you say so.


To be fair, there is more to Star Wars than just "point and click", even on most home consoles. During the laser tower battle and the trough run, where you aim influences where you fly, so you often have to decide whether to blow something up or avoid a shield-robbing crash.

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To be fair, there is more to Star Wars than just "point and click", even on most home consoles. During the laser tower battle and the trough run, where you aim influences where you fly, so you often have to decide whether to blow something up or avoid a shield-robbing crash.

And that's fine. Most everyone can wrap their heads around pilot controls when it's from viewpoint of what you're piloting. IMO a cursor which moves contrary to directional input is tough to aim with. A fixed aiming reticule and a more "slight sim" setup would have solved that.


One of the great things about Star Fire on the Vectrex is you can set it to "normal" controls. Star Wars Arcade needed that option.

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The 5200, Intellivision, and Colecovision are the most important pre-crash consoles to own, IMO (2600 games can be run on an adapter for any of them).


The bacon? That's just a nice bonus.

Well there is a reason to own a 2600 other than collecting for us pixel perfectionists. It has an RGB mod while:

-the 5200 does not

-the colecovision RGB mod bypasses the internal circuitry for the Expension Module

-And the intev cannot use original controllers


As for 5200 games, I do not own a 5200 (really want one), but I have played mr. Do's castle before and enjoyed it.

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-And the intev cannot use original controllers


If you're talking about the 2600 adapter for the Intellivision II, yes it can. There are jacks right on the front. :)


Interestingly, if you didn't have Atari controllers (or didn't want to use them for some reason), you could use Intellivision controllers. Conventional wisdom dictates that you'd have to disconnect them from the Intellivision console and plug them into the 2600 Adapter, right? Wrong; just leave them connected to the console. (The angle of the connector precludes it from fitting correctly anyway.)

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Regarding Star Wars Arcade. The pilot control doesn't bother me. Although I completely understand the argument against it and find it compelling. It just takes me a few games to adjust. After that, there is no way SWA belongs in a "bottom" list for 5200. Arcade version is still more fun, but it's fine on the 5200 (and 2600 and Coleco).

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If you're talking about the 2600 adapter for the Intellivision II, yes it can. There are jacks right on the front. :)


Haha sorry, I don't know what made me think that. I did a bit of research and it turns out I was a bit misinformed when it comes to the Intellivision RGB mod. It's apparently is fantastic, but is only available in very limited quantities and is currently sold out 100%. I can't seem to find any information on whether the Intellivision II installation ruins the 2600 adapter. :|

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  • 5 weeks later...

Blue Print is a very fun game! I enjoy it a lot..

I also enjoy Krazy Shoot Out.. it's not as good as Berzerk, but still fun to play...


I never could figure out Quest for Quintana Roo...


I pretty much like every game to some capacity though... but I am in the camp with Gorf being a botched port... it would've been great if the control was cleaned up a bit... it's just sloppy and for me unplayable... I am one of the biggest supporters for the 5200 and its stock controllers, I defend the 5200 to the point where the Atari 8 bit camp hate me as much as I tire of their same old antics...


and I try to play 007, but I don't do good and haven't invested much time to learn it... I wish I was around for the HSC... I could've used the incentive to learn and better play the game!

I haven't been around these parts in years... life been getting in the way..

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  • 1 month later...

I bought Mr. Do's castle mainly for my collection; I played it a little bit when I got it to test it out but couldn't get into it.


Don't care much for 007, Space Shuttle, Blue Print, or Decathlon on other systems, either, so it isn't the 5200's problem. I've got Quintana for Colecovision and could never figure it out; I don't own the 5200 version but I imagine it's similar.


I don't have and have never played Zenji so I can't comment on that, but I like K-Razy Shoot-out on the 400/800. I didn't know it was supposed to be bad on the 5200. :?


I'm surprised Gorf didn't make your list. That seems like one of the most-hated 5200 games, but I think it's pretty cool, personally.


I like the graphics on Gorf but hate the fact that the controllability on it as it is similar to that of either Super Breakout or Missile Command, better with the Trak-Ball than the joystick, if you do use a stick use an analog one (like the stock one or the Wico 5200 stick with the self-centering disabled) and be very careful as it is extremely speed sensitive.

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I'm about 10 games away from completing a 5200 collection but really don't see myself completing it. Yesterday, I picked up a bunch of games, including some of the rarer ones like Frogger 2, Zone Ranger and Zenji. It also included 007 which seems to be universally ripped in reviews.


Does anyone enjoy these games below?:



Mr. Do's Castle

Space Shuttle

Blue Print

Quest for Quintana Roo


Krazy Shoot Out



If so, what is it that you like about them? I'm curious to see if these games have any fans.

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