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Intellivision Bowling League


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Well guys, it was an awesome season. Everyone should be proud of their efforts and I am grateful for all the participation and enthusiasm!!!


I have not had time to really dig into the numbers yet, but I will later today.


The two top teams are, as they have been most of the season, Splitz for Brains and Star Strikes. Congratulations to these two teams... You guys have really killed it this season and given us all something to strive for!!


Now it is time for the playoff. :D



Playoff rules are as follows:


Top two teams will square off against each other.


Each member of each of the top two teams will bowl two games... One on Thursday/Friday, and one on Saturday/Sunday. Passwords will be given on Thursday snd Saturday.


Any member not posting a score will receive an absentee score of 200.


Just like in the regular season, team scores will be added up between the games to give the final playoff team score.


This will be a blast. :) Congrats, guys. You're all winners in my book.

Edited by Opry99er
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Good luck to the teams involved in the playoff. I had so much fun and am very grateful for having the chance to join the "Minds In The Gutter" team in week 3. In the 6 weeks I was involved I somehow scored 5 300's and had a 298 avg. Wholly crap, not too bad considering I never ever broke 200 prior. This was a great way to get the community playing together and I really hope we do this again. Thank you everyone! :)

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Thank You again for joining our team mr_intv. :) You did an awesome job and we are happy to have you aboard! I had a blast doing this and especially I never played this game much before and I ended up with a 279 average. 214, 216, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, and 300. Thank you again Opry!! :) I am going to do some skiing on the Intellivision tonight so I can hop aboard for the upcoming league!! These are so much fun! :grin:

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Well guys, it was an awesome season. Everyone should be proud of their efforts and I am grateful for all the participation and enthusiasm!!!


I have not had time to really dig into the numbers yet, but I will later today.


The two top teams are, as they have been most of the season, Splitz for Brains and Star Strikes. Congratulations to these two teams... You guys have really killed it this season and given us all something to strive for!!


Now it is time for the playoff. :D



Playoff rules are as follows:


Top two teams will square off against each other.


Each member of each of the top two teams will bowl two games... One on Thursday/Friday, and one on Saturday/Sunday. Passwords will be given on Thursday snd Saturday.


Any member not posting a score will receive an absentee score of 200.


Just like in the regular season, team scores will be added up between the games to give the final playoff team score.


This will be a blast. :) Congrats, guys. You're all winners in my book.


Isn't it Thursday in Opryland? We are anxious to get the playoff underway.

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