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How do you reassemble a 5200 controller?


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I just got a 5200, and none of the controllers worked. I cleaned the contacts on the flex circuit board and now it works. However, I can't reassemble the controller.


The joystick won't go back in properly. I can't figure out how to line up the plastic part of the joystick so it fits in the notches of the two pots.


If it doesn't line up properly, the joystick doesn't work properly, and it self centers.


Does anyone know an easy way to put the controller back together so the joystick fits into the notches on the two pots?

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all i know is you have to keep the pots one set to 9 oclock and the other at 12 ,make sure the slider plates are in the right position then slightly keep pull force on the stick to keep the plates still feed the spr ribbon up through and carefully seat the 2 bottom nubs(i've broken a few off accidently while dissasembly)


i guess its a skill you kind of aquire like riding a bike

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I think you mean bottom pot at 6 O clock, and top one at 9 O'clock. That is what I have seen is where to place them.


I have tried that, and no success.



I can't seem to get the 2 nubs to fall exactly where they need to be. Sometimes I can get one, but not both at the same time.

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I think you mean bottom pot at 6 O clock, and top one at 9 O'clock. That is what I have seen is where to place them.


I have tried that, and no success.



I can't seem to get the 2 nubs to fall exactly where they need to be. Sometimes I can get one, but not both at the same time.

oops i havent taken one apart for a while since ive been making my own from scratch

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oops i havent taken one apart for a while since ive been making my own from scratch

How do you do that? I have been looking into making a digital controller. It seems like the buttons are all just their own signal line shorted to ground. And the joystick you can make with resistors.


It's easier to put it back together upside down. The stick lines up better and the number pad stays in place without sliding.

That works a lot better. Why is the 5200 controller 100 times more difficult to open up and clean than every other controller of that time? This wouldn't be a problem if the controller didn't fail so often requiring to be opened up.

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i'm working on a kit so someone could build their own but not many people have the skill or patience


i am probably going to make 5 proto types and sell them on ebay but the components while inexpensive take a bit of labor to assemble


the joystick module by it self is like $8

and the project box is about $8 as well

2 centering pots and knobs will run about $4

i'm going to use rainbow ribbon for the cable it 2 meters costs about $3

the keypad costs about $3

i got a good deal on adequate arcade buttons they cost 80 cents for a pair

i still need to price out the 4 joystick and 4 keypad bolts/nuts

then there is the 15 pin connector that i have to modify to fit cheap at 50 cents


i'm trying to make it cheap but i hate putting it all together and just give them away at part cost and i sure dont want to charge $200


i can probably build it for like $40 maybe less once i get a good procedure down


mounting keypad will be either hard cutting out square and mounting it from bottom and looking clean or mount it to the top and have it bulge a bit

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I would definitely buy a kit, but I know a lot of people who just want to buy a finished product.

i'll give you a parts list so you can order your own but many of the parts you have to buy in bulk to get a deal


if you can solder and follow a diagram (schematics are often difficult to follow with multiple connection points)


but at the end of the day i found just using an adapter and a pc joystick is most versatile


i never use my homemade ones and since they are one off bodged together i'm not sure they would survive shipping which would be enormous with these heavy monstrocitys ive posted various stuff so you can do a search for my name and mark as in make 1 mark 2 mark 3 mark 4 mark 5

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Right now I'm working on a 2600 portable from Ben Heck's book, so I have my hands full. Its so expensive to buy parts because you can't really buy one or two resistors or leds, or whatever you need. I had to buy 2 battery packs, because no one was selling just one.

And Radio Shack is 10 times as expensive as buying online. Assuming they have the parts you need in the store, and your local store has not closed. And Fry's electronics is the same price or more than eBay or Amazon, so I may as well just buy online and save gas money.

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