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Question about my Asteroids cart


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I found another copy of Asteroids the other day. But it's different than the one I have or the one listed here. The label is different by having a deeper color gray and it's printed in Taiwan instead of Hong Kong. The screw hole was showing, so it was easy to open up. The other noticible difference was the dust door on the slot side as well as the missing triangular slots under the label at the top of the cart. The rom cart does say © 1984, as I'm sure they all do, but why is this one so different?

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Don't know if this helps, but have you looked here:




Of course, that's 2600 LVAR's. 7800 tends to be a whole different beast. On some games I've found up to 4 different copyright date variations alone (Galaga I believe is one of them).

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There were a handful of 7800 games that have the dust cover. They look like 2600 cases with the dust cover cut larger for the wider 7800 PCB. Knowing the Tramiels cheapness I'm not suprised by it. They probably just used whatever was on hand.

About the copyright dates, yes, there are few of them with different dates, fonts and manufacturing locations. Not any difference in demand or price from what I've seen though.



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