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Using the 1200XL

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The 1200XL internally needs a lot of hacking to get up to speed with the XL/XEs, but it has the best feeling keyboard I've ever used on any computer I've ever had.


One day I'd like to write a bit of 8-bit and PC software that would let you use a 1200XL as a replacement keyboard for the PC (via a serial link through SIO2PC).

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can't wait! My 1200Xl, I'm told, was put in the mail today! I'm so used to shitty XL/XE keyboards (to certain degree, XE being the worst), except for the 800 which has a good keyboard, I can't wait to try the 1200's. I'm going to have to do some major hacking to it though, to "bring it up to speed" as you said, I'll need a 130XE compatible memory upgrade, and what else? Does it need a different OS or is the one in it good enough? Was it incompatible for some reason with some XL/XE software or just 400/800 software like the XL/XE's? I have a tranlator disk...It's also going to be nice to finally have an Atari that matches all my XL devices! Although I did have an 800XL for a time, I rarely used it because of memory and the poor composite video picture compared to the 800/XE...is the 1200's video good? What other hacks/mods do you suggest for it? I don't really need the PBI mod, since I use SIO2PC/APE.

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The 1200XL is a sexy beast. The keyboard issue can be fixed. Whilst the actual keyboard itself is fantastic the problem is the keyboard mylar.


Whilst replacements are readily available for the XE models, none were made for the 1200XL due to lack of demand.


See http://www.retrobits.net/ for an excellent site that gives help on fixing the keyboard issue. I was given this link via Abbuc so I can't take credit for finding it, just passing it on.


One thing that does work (without resorting to above) is to sit down with the 1200XL and boot with BASIC or run the keyboard diagnostic and just constantly press each unresponsive key until you get a result. Keep doing this until the key becomes responsive again. Don't ask me why this works, it just does. Strange.


Also unscrewing the keyboard assembly and pcb/mylar and re-screwing also helps but don't get too enthusiastic or you'll end up damaging the threads in the pcb and won't be able to tighten up properly.


As for software, I've not yet found a problem apart from the usual 400/800 OS issue. People don't like change. The 1200XL was a big change and people soon forgot about changes to the OS when Atari flooded the market with the 800XL. *Yes I'm sure there will be something that doesn't work, I'm just saying so far I haven't found anything*


Check out the link above for some great 1200XL mods, sadly I'm not savvy enough to do them myself :ponder:


Finally, if anyone has the ability to produce new mylars for the 1200XL I'd be interested in helping getting them to market.

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thanks for the info guys, as far as any keyboard issue, I'm not worried, I am experienced with all kinds of electronic repairs and mods, especially with Atari hardware, it the keys are unresponsive, I disassemble the keyboard and clean the mylar, that would be the proper way which will have the same results as your button pushing, but will be a more permanent solution as probably all you're doing with that is rubbing off any tarnish eventually, so it works again.

I'll look into those mos pages guys thanks again.

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for the internal HD, you might need a seperate power supply, guess you'll have to look at the mod instructions and they will let you know. As for the other mods, no, the current power supply is sufficient.

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