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The Atari ST in Popular Culture

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So after the fatboy slim thread I've been wondering where else one might find reference to the Atari ST computers in popular culture?


Were they in any movies or TV shows, mentioned in any song lyrics or books?


I have been watching movies and shows lately (X files, Seinfeld) and really enjoy spotting the computers of the era on the shows.


I NEVER saw Atari's growing up, just Mac's and Windows machines, (with the occasional Commodore or Amiga) so i'm curious if they were in front of me somewhere all along.


Thanks and looking forward to seeing what comes up!

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Quite a few examples from movies at this site: http://www.starringthecomputer.com/computer.html?c=86 (probably mentioned in the above thread)


Not sure if it's 'popular culture', but I did see STs around day to day: In Montreal in the late '90s when you bought concert tickets ad an Admission outlet they would always use an ST with mono monitor to process and print the ticket. I found this in an archived CV of someone called Denis Vallée:



1986 to 1987, Concept Électronique Microflex Inc.
Software Engineer

As a Software Engineer, I have participated in the design and implementation of a distributed ticket selling and reservation system (Billetech). This system has grown to become the Admission Network (www.admission.com), which was later bought by Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).

Technical environment: Atari ST 520, TOS, C, 68000 Assembler, Gimix 20 (68020), OS/9, telecommunication hardware


Edited by galax
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I was trying one day to find a prototype of the Falcon040, thanks for posting it. Is there any more pictures of it around? It really does look similar to the PS2 design.


There are not that many pictures around, but there are some:






And there are some info about it here:




There was a later microbox prototype as well:







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