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Atari A8 Donkey Kong Hack

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Is that on a VBXE? I'm getting that on my VBXE machine with a U1M installed. It looks like the red P/M is set for double width instead of single.



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Double width player is exactly what it looks like. I'm running on 800 Incognito without VBXE (yet). I have tried various configurations, and all results are the same.

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Is that on a VBXE? I'm getting that on my VBXE machine with a U1M installed. It looks like the red P/M is set for double width instead of single.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk




Double width player is exactly what it looks like. I'm running on 800 Incognito without VBXE (yet). I have tried various configurations, and all results are the same.


Thanks, the double width was the clue I needed - the registers are not being cleared down, so will be left in whatever state they were prior to the program getting control.

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Looking good! Two questions:


2. Is there a reason that this version (and most home ports) removed one of the girders from the first level? I'm going to guess it's because there wasn't enough room since the arcade used a vertical monitor, but could it be squeezed in somehow (that would require a major game rewrite I imagine).



The girder level was removed because there was insufficient space. I don't think the game play suffers because of the change.


Could have done scrolling (I proposed doing this) but it would have looked strange. Likewise, compressing the vertical space of all the objects on the screen would have looked pretty bad. Removing the level of girders was a reasonable compromise.

Edited by landondyer
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The girder level was removed because there was insufficient space. I don't think the game play suffers because of the change.


Could have done scrolling (I proposed doing this) but it would have looked strange. Likewise, compressing the vertical space of all the objects on the screen would have looked pretty bad. Removing the level of girders was a reasonable compromise.


Honestly I never even noticed back in the day. I only got to play a real DK arcade machine a couple of times back then, but played the 8-bit version all the time. It wasn't until years later that I noticed the girder was missing (and that was only after someone pointed it out).


Scrolling the level would have looked really strange IMHO.

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Version 6.7b: Fireballs and Firefoxes that become scared.

The colors have been toned down and more average. The Elevator retains the teal color for now.

I think it adds a little variety.


The screen colors are not as dark as they appear in the smaller images here.


Mario's death has been tweaked

Mario steps tweaked

Fireballs and Firefoxes added. Later added the blue versions of both

Umbrella tweak

tweak to rivet platforms.



post-13491-0-34374400-1458264654_thumb.png post-13491-0-21887800-1458264656_thumb.png


post-13491-0-66415200-1458264645_thumb.png post-13491-0-42561400-1458264647_thumb.png




post-13491-0-65871000-1458264650_thumb.png post-13491-0-46760500-1458264652_thumb.png



Edited by darryl1970
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I think the hybrids have split into both firefoxes and fireballs now just like the arcade..and they change color when the hammer is picked up!


I didn't expect that at all but somehow playsoft has pulled it off - wow. That's a cool upgrade and makes it closer to the arcade!


The tweak to the rivet screen is interesting. It keeps the lines, but make the holes look bigger...very clever.


I tried to compare mario's walk and death spiral between the two versions, but I can't make out the change. However, it looks good either way.


Fun update...I got so pumped with all the cool fire enemy changes I actually made it to the pie factory (and past it)!


It can't be said enough: Landon absolutely nailed the gameplay. It is so smooth and responsive it never feels like the game cheated when you die.



Edited by TheNameOfTheGame
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Yknow speaking of the game cheating :lol: I'm not sure if this is something tweakable, but one thing that always bugged me about the 8-bit "Pie Factory" screen is that the fireball spawn doesn't care what half of the screen you're standing in. Of course in the arcade, if you stand on the left, they spawn on the right (and vice versa) which becomes an important gameplay tactic once you get to the higher levels to get a fighting chance on the screen. Or maybe it's fine the way it is with the faster 8-bit version gameplay.. just saying :)

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What happened to the hybrid firefoxes from the earlier version? They look more like regular fireballs in those pictures.

They are no longer needed. They are fireballs, except for the rivet screen, where they are firefoxes.


I think the hybrids have split into both firefoxes and fireballs now just like the arcade..and they change color when the hammer is picked up!


I didn't expect that at all but somehow playsoft has pulled it off - wow. That's a cool upgrade and makes it closer to the arcade!

Yes. He has done some great things!


The tweak to the rivet screen is interesting. It keeps the lines, but make the holes look bigger...very clever.

Thank you. I was happy with that compromise myself. I think it works best. I do not like it plain, and I prefer it over the smaller holes.


I tried to compare mario's walk and death spiral between the two versions, but I can't make out the change. However, it looks good either way.

I am glad that it is not too obvious. His side view is a little more in perspective (mainly his head). It has the same "shape" now as the vertical frames.

It just makes for a better continuity. His hands point outward now too. Very minor details.


Fun update...I got so pumped with all the cool fire enemy changes I actually made it to the pie factory (and past it)!


It can't be said enough: Landon absolutely nailed the gameplay. It is so smooth and responsive it never feels like the game cheated when you die.

He did a great job at capturing important details. This is one of the few versions where Mario can clear a barrel by jumping WITH it! (the same direction it's rolling).

He also got the rebound off the walls better than any home versions of the day. Mario ricochets off of the wall in most versions.

However, Mario will bounce back UP from almost his whole height below where he started (about nose height).

Landon's Mario is the closest home version that I know of.


Example Video on YouTube.




Yknow speaking of the game cheating :lol: I'm not sure if this is something tweakable, but one thing that always bugged me about the 8-bit "Pie Factory" screen is that the fireball spawn doesn't care what half of the screen you're standing in. Of course in the arcade, if you stand on the left, they spawn on the right (and vice versa) which becomes an important gameplay tactic once you get to the higher levels to get a fighting chance on the screen. Or maybe it's fine the way it is with the faster 8-bit version gameplay.. just saying :)

I do not know how difficult it would be. Seems more than a tweak to me; however, the fireballs on this version aren't as "smart" as the arcade. The tend to not reverse as much, so I don't know if it would be necessary. Cool thought though.

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They are no longer needed. They are fireballs, except for the rivet screen, where they are firefoxes.


Ah ok, I didn't realize that's how it worked. I'm still partial to all Firefoxes though (sorry, I really like them). :)

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Ah ok, I didn't realize that's how it worked. I'm still partial to all Firefoxes though (sorry, I really like them). :)

They were nicely drawn, and they were actually more of a cross between the fireballs and the firefoxes. Very fitting, since the original Atari version only had one.

This version has the actual arcade firefoxes on the Rivets screen. The rest of the levels have fireballs, like the arcade.

I thought Pauline was drawn nicely in Landon's version too. However, trying to get arcade accurate wherever possible.

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They were nicely drawn, and they were actually more of a cross between the fireballs and the firefoxes. Very fitting, since the original Atari version only had one.

This version has the actual arcade firefoxes on the Rivets screen. The rest of the levels have fireballs, like the arcade.

I thought Pauline was drawn nicely in Landon's version too. However, trying to get arcade accurate wherever possible.


Any chance that once you're all done you can make a special 'original firefoxes only' version?

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Any chance that once you're all done you can make a special 'original firefoxes only' version?

I would considered giving you your own copy, as long as you stop calling the original Atari version firefoxes. The arcade Donkey Kong had firefoxes. The Atari version had a hybrid of fireballs and firefoxes.


That's almost as bad as calling the Monsters "Ghosts".



Edited by darryl1970
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I would considered giving you your own copy, as long as you stop calling the original Atari version firefoxes. The arcade Donkey Kong had firefoxes. The Atari version had a hybrid of fireballs and firefoxes.


That's almost as bad as calling the Monsters "Ghosts".


That's what the 8-bit manual calls them, so that's what I call them. If it was good enough for Atari then it's good enough for me: http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-donkey-kong_1673.html


Otherwise, what DO you call them? They're fire-foxes and fire-balls, it's either Firefoxes or Foxballs, and I don't think you want me calling them that. :D

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That's what the 8-bit manual calls them, so that's what I call them. If it was good enough for Atari then it's good enough for me: http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-donkey-kong_1673.html


Otherwise, what DO you call them? They're fire-foxes and fire-balls, it's either Firefoxes or Foxballs, and I don't think you want me calling them that. :D

Actually, I kind of like Foxballs, since they... hmmm.. Well... I guess if Atari considered them Firefoxes... Even though the firefoxes were only on the rivets..


I supposed I can live with that, but I actuall like foxballs, since they are kind of dual purpose.. They are more modeled after the firefox than the fireballs, so I can live with that.. At least they used arcade terminology, instead of the way they RUINED Pac-Man history FOREVER, by incorrectly using "ghost" to explain their poor white flicker effect.

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At least they used arcade terminology, instead of the way they RUINED Pac-Man history FOREVER, by incorrectly using "ghost" to explain their poor white flicker effect.

Weren't they always Ghost Monsters? I (and my friends) always referred to them as such but never as just Ghosts or as just Monsters.


I'll refer to the 8-bit versions as Hybrids from now on just to keep things clear. It's the Hybrids that I want in the game since those are the ones I'm used to. Just don't make them look like the Colecovision version, god I hate those:


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Weren't they always Ghost Monsters? I (and my friends) always referred to them as such but never as just Ghosts or as just Monsters.


I'll refer to the 8-bit versions as Hybrids from now on just to keep things clear.

Well, I have an easier time with "Ghost Monsters" than I do with "Ghosts". I am an arcade purists, and every arcade machine instruction card, even in Japan, has the term, "Monsters". I was in Junior High at the time of Pac-Man's release, and I was very caught up in it. All I knew was that the arcade states that the "Monsters" are worth points. I also read that Pac-Man eats "Energizers", NOT "Power Pills". To me, that was part of the imagination of the arcade back-story. The Monsters were flesh, under their ghost-like sheets (thus, why I am okay with "GhostMonsters"). However, in my junior high school mind, calling them ghosts completely ignored the fact that they were flesh under those costumes, revealed by the 2nd and 3rd intermissions. These were all the more reasons to resent the 2600 versions. The Pac-Man cartoon is where the term, "Ghost Monster" got its start. I was at least happy they kind of steered it back in the right sense.


I made this awhile back for a different topic:

post-13491-0-38592000-1458313130_thumb.png post-13491-0-71359800-1458313244.png


I even scanned the Japanese "PuckMan", using Google Translate, because somebody claimed Japan was different.



However, I supposed Atari was intending to represent the Firefoxes, per the manual; I guess that works. lol.

At least it's not wrong. I think somebody was calling them "firfoxes" or something before. I don't recall.


Although, I DO kind of like Foxballs, for clarity sake.



OR!!!! "Great Balls Of Fire!"


Now I have let you into my OCD. Welcome.. lol.

Edited by darryl1970
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Weren't they always Ghost Monsters? I (and my friends) always referred to them as such but never as just Ghosts or as just Monsters.


I'll refer to the 8-bit versions as Hybrids from now on just to keep things clear. It's the Hybrids that I want in the game since those are the ones I'm used to. Just don't make them look like the Colecovision version, god I hate those:



Funny. I missed the image of Adam DK. (The Colecovision didn't have conveyor belts).


The ColecoVision version actually used all FireFoxes. Many people jokingly called them "Ducks", because they look like red ducks.



The Adam version isn't a bad take. The Adam screens were more colorful, and the game included all of the levels.

Most of the animations were present, but it was still SEVERELY lacking, as it played choppier than the original Coleco version.

I think it also plays different music on the levels. It includes the springer on the Elevator level.

The conveyor belt is dumb. The top level switches direction, making it very difficult to maneuver.

Mario's jump is different than on Coleco. The Adam version requires the hammer to hit objects instead of just Mario's body.

The Adam version adds the crazy barrels that Kong throws, the intermissions, and has blue barrels (although fireballs on ramps).


To keep the firefoxes from looking like ducks, Coleco made them look even dumber on the Adam.

post-13491-0-79220000-1458314469_thumb.jpg post-13491-0-10553800-1458314362_thumb.jpg


Kong's arm looks pasted in place. Hard to tell from the pic quality, but the rivet floors are two shades of blue.

The original Coleco still used the same floors from the ramp level.


It's a mixed bag of "clunky", just like the CV version!

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The Pac-Man cartoon is where the term, "Ghost Monster" got its start.


I think you're right. That's why I probably called them that. Could be worse though, the 8-bit manual calls them Goblins! (http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-pac-man_s3858.html)


So we have Ghosts n Goblins now. :D

Although, I DO kind of like Foxballs, for clarity sake.

Alright, Foxballs it is then. :)
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I think you're right. That's why I probably called them that. Could be worse though, the 8-bit manual calls them Goblins! (http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-pac-man_s3858.html)


So we have Ghosts n Goblins now. :D
Alright, Foxballs it is then. :)


HAHA!! Gobbling Goblins.. Interesting.. I SO COVETED that game! I remember that a few stores had Atari 400 computers set up in their "electronics" section. Pac-Man was a big display item. I couldn't believe the version was SO CLOSE to the arcade. The awesome gulp sound of eating the fruits.... It HAD fruits! Pac-Man was not a staircase, his mouth was fast, and he didn't continue to gnaw through the walls when he stopped. I still remember the feeling of how amazing that was. I thought the monsters had to be smarter, because they had eyes that could "look" for Pac-Man. lol.


When I could finally kind of afford a version, I got the 5200 version, which kept real-time high score (didn't have to wait for game over), added the intermissions, and had the extra life bell at 10k. I was just happy to have the intermissions.


Great memories...


In my area, there was a "Gold Circle", "Acme Click", and O'Neil's. All of these stores had thei video games and computers set up on glass counters. They were just like the perfume counters at Macy's, but they had color TVs and game systems set up on them.


If I could go back in time and give myself a Jak's Pacific Plug and Play, I probably wouldn't be here today, because I would have had a heart attack!

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