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Not willing to PAY B&C Prices


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B&C Computer Visions has ridiculous prices In the perfect sense that I need these Items I dont want to pay their prices, I can pay the prices but 39.95 for 3 Items!!!! Please!!! I dont want to resort to ebay so If anything I woulnt mind setting up 3 or 4 buys or trades here at AA!!


1.5 AMP XE/XL Power Supply

5-Pin Din To RCA Monitor Cable

Microprint Printer Interface

Atari Computers T-Shirt (will resort to B&C in any case)


**Moderators Please Dont Move this post to the Marketplace!!**

Since I am not sure if to ask for these Items yet!! I will move it later on In about a week!! when I get paid and figure how to do!

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You mentioned B&C, but did you check with 4jays and Best? Never hurts to check around.




1.5 AMP XE/XL Power Supply


The power supply is a tuffy as it's a 7-pin din, not the normal type of p/s so unless someone just happens to have one, either because their computer is broken, or they picked up a p/s withot a computer, you're probably SOL. :( It doesn't hurt to check ebay, as they do pop up from time to time. Also look for cheap XL/XE computers, someone mentioned a XEGS in the ebay forum, it's still under $20 with around 6 hrs left. McGrail007 is bidding on it now thou, so you may also contact him should he win, and not need the computer & p/s part. He may only be interested in the carts.




5-Pin Din To RCA Monitor Cable


These are pretty simple to build, I'm sure someone here could do this for you if needed. I may even have one myself, although a quick check only turned up a 8-pin C= model.



Microprint Printer Interface


I'm not certain what this is. :? I do have a Graphix AT by Xetec printer interface I think. It changes the I/O port of the Atari to accept older dot matrix printers. It's got 8 dip switches, which are set accordingly to whichever brand of printer you have. I've seen these sell on ebay for very cheap, and I wouldn't want more than a couple bucks for this one either if this is what you were looking for.



Atari Computers T-Shirt (will resort to B&C in any case)


Again it never hurts to check ebay. I've seen lots of classic looking t-shirts being sold, most of them are new. I think even Keir makes them. You may want to ask him if he can create an Atari computer T-shirt for you.

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You have to understand that B&C, like Best, are sitting on stock that goes up in value year on year as numbers dwindle.


B&C aren't cheap, neither is Best but they are providing a service.


If you're looking for replacement psu's , even replacement computers then ebay, carboot/garage sales etc are ideal.


If you're looking for new/as new/recon units then B&C and Best are cheap compared to some of the stupid prices stuff goes for on ebay.


I've not used Best yet but have dealt with B&C several times and their support and service has been excellent.

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have you looked here: http://www.aracnet.com/~atari/8bt_hard.htm

Not sure if his prices are any better for what you're looking for, some stuff is much more reasonable than B&C and Best though...and the shipping is more reasonable too I think. He's got FREE shipping on a LOT of items in the lower 48 states!

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I've dealt with Ben at Bravo Sierra many many times. Great stuff and good service. He has some harder to find and absolutely weird stuff that Best and B&C don't stock. I recommend him.



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I don't think $40 for three of the items you listed is unreasonable at all, especially for B&C. One thing to keep in mind is that when you order from places like B&C or Best, you're generally guaranteed that the item you're purchasing is in good condition, even if it's used. I know that their prices may seem outrageous at times (and in many instances are), but they're far more reliable than purchasing something off eBay.

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B & C is a great place to deal with...


I've started buying stuff from them in the late 80's, and not once have they let me down...


Nope - I take that back. I ordered "The Dallas Quest" back in 1990 and it was out of stock... I would still like to play that game! Perhaps I should check if they ever got more in...


I will agree that their prices can seem a bit steep at times (their shipping to Canada is a bit pricey), but to be guaranteed a great product and great service - that is still in most cases being sold for less than it would've cost new - it's well worth it.






ps - I would love to tour their warehouse someday and just look at the goodies they sell! Perhaps they should start selling tours!

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ps - I would love to tour their warehouse someday and just look at the goodies they sell!  Perhaps they should start selling tours!


I would definitely agree with that. I'm sure many of us Atari fanatics would pay for something like that.

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Personally, I use all three: Bravo, Best and B&C. I just look at them all to see who has the best price on the item I'm looking for (or who has it at all), then order from them. But if your looking for computers&drives, the Bravo seems to have far superior prices and the free shipping thing going, so Ben is the best choice for that...and not just 8-bit stuff, 16-bit/32-bit stuff too! His Jaguar prices, on the other hand, look similiar to Telegames, so I don't buy Jaguar merchandise from him, but I will add that he is a great guy and is very helpful, as are Bruce at B&C and the guys at BEST. B&C can sometimes have the slower service though (in my experience) and Best&Bravo seem to get it to you much quicker, but this might just reflect how busy B&C is...I have had trouble with B&C in the distant past, and didn't order anything from him for years because of it, but recent dealings have been decent (although too long, my last order took over 5 weeks!).

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A2600 -


I can understand your right to shop where you want and find the best prices, but understand that places such as B&C, Best & Video61 are actual Brick & Mortar companies who have offices, warehouses and operating costs... they have taxes, rent and such to pay.


So while the prices seem high in the overall view of things when other individuals running web-based only stores out of their bedrooms or basements may have much cheaper prices or you may find a steal on Ebay, understand that the above 3 have been in business 15+ years and are Atari-Only companies supporting the videogaming & computing communities all these years, so they are just trying to make ends meet, keep the lights on and put some food on the table...





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B&C Computer Visions has ridiculous prices In the perfect sense that I need these Items I dont want to pay their prices, I can pay the prices but 39.95 for 3 Items!!!! Please!!! I dont want to resort to ebay so If anything I woulnt mind setting up 3 or 4 buys or trades here at AA!!


1.5 AMP XE/XL Power Supply

5-Pin Din To RCA Monitor Cable

Microprint Printer Interface

Atari Computers T-Shirt (will resort to B&C in any case)


**Moderators Please Dont Move this post to the Marketplace!!**

Since I am not sure if to ask for these Items yet!! I will move it later on In about a week!! when I get paid and figure how to do!



I can understand your view if you compare against places like Ebay, thrift shops, and personal auctions. But like other people have pointed out, it costs money to warehouse and preserve these items.


If you buy something on Ebay or thrift shop, does it come with a warrenty? Do you have a recourse if the item breaks in the first week.


B&C is probably the longest running Atari only business that exists today. If he were to price things at how people would love to see them priced, he would be out of business the next day. Businesses that did price things like this (e.g. San Jose Computers) have long ago disappeared.


You have a perfect right to voice your opinion. But before you do that, try and give a little thought as to why prices are they way they are. Let me give an example of something. B&C sells keyboards for the TT030 for about $100. $100 for a keyboard?! That's outragous. But here's something that most people don't think about. If he sells that keyboard, he's now left with a TT030 setup that he can't sell because he doesn't have a keyboard for it. The parts are dwindling down are the economics of the situation dictate the prices.


I'll get off my soap box now...



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Glenn, I'm not trying to argue with what your saying or anything of that sort, but why would he sell a keyboard that goes with a system? That just sounds downright stupid to me! If he doesn't have them in stock as extra overstock or initially stocked to be replacements, then he's stupid for offering them this way and that would be his own fault. Or, he's decided to take so many, and make them strictly parts computers, in which case what you said would in fact not be the case at all, he wouldn't be left with a computer he can't sell, he'd be left with most of a computer he has chosen to piece-meal out and needs to sell the rest of the parts. I always assumed that these parts he sells were bought from where ever as parts, if he's seperating them, that's his decision and I feel no sympathy if he can't sell a "partial system", well, duh, then he should have kept it a complete system for sale, if the intention isn't to sell it all as parts. So, my point is, that he shouldn't be left with something he couldn't sell, one way or the other, and $100 for a keyboard IS to much. He would also be making a LOT more money selling them piece by piece for these prices than if it was sold as a system. So I should feel sympathy for him making bank on the computers this way? I don't think so...I appreciate that he's had to store them for years, and am glad he is around to buy stuff from, but he wouldn't have to store it for so long if the prices were lowered even just a bit and sales increased in light of this. No matter his reasoning, many of us just can't afford to be spending $100 on a keyboard, so either he sells for a more reasonable price, or we, his would-be customers, look elsewhere. If it comes down to the fact that he's just not selling enough because of a small customer base for these classic Atari machines, well, that's his own decision too, and he has to live with the consequences; he could be selling the latest PC's and parts, and the latest consoles like GC, PS2 and Xbox or even selling carpeting out of his wharehouse too for all I care, he would broaden his customer base, and make a larger profit selling other items. It's all up to him. If I were in his shoes and barely making ends meat, I would sure expand my business while still supporting the Atari community. So either he's doing fine, and overcharging, or he's made a bad business choice and it's his fault, either way, he IS overcharging.

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I will like the cooperation of the forum to see I can purchase these items of AA!! I have 50 dollars and looking for:


XE Power Supply

Monitor Cable (5-PIN Din to RCA)

Microprint Printer Interface


*If you send me offers I would Appreciate it*




If I agree, I dont get paid untill the 30th of this month so you have to bear a bit with me


Thank you!

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Businesses that did price things like this (e.g. San Jose Computers) have long ago disappeared.


LOL - I forgot about San Jose Computers! Their ads reminded me of those crazy local car salesman commercials!


I never actually dealt with them back in the day... were they good to deal with?





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The monitor cable you're seeking shows up on eBay pretty often also, and generally goes for pretty darn cheap. As much as you might hate eBay, it is a great place to find many items for cheap.

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Businesses that did price things like this (e.g. San Jose Computers) have long ago disappeared.


LOL - I forgot about San Jose Computers! Their ads reminded me of those crazy local car salesman commercials!


I never actually dealt with them back in the day... were they good to deal with?






San Jose was a very good dealer and on par with B&C and Best during the hey-day of Atari Dealers.... The owner got tied up into a very expensive business dealing with a technology to use Falcon030s and Typesetting equipment, the whole deal feel through in some VERY bad ways, needless the say SJ's owner lost massive amounts of investment cash and sold off SJ's assets and got out of the business...




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