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Mario Bros. Color Changes


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I have an Atari 5200 mulit-cart. It has all the released games except for BOUNTY BOB STRIKES BACK, and many playable and non-playable prototypes. One game, the Star Wars Death Star battle doesn't work, the millennium falcon doesn't move. The other games work fine, I've played Super-Cobra for hours. However, I stumbled onto something weird last night.

While playing Mario Bros with the Wico Joystick, when I got to around 60,000 points, or about the time Slipice shows up, the screen changes colors to an odd aquablue color. Everything onscreen, except for the fireballs goes to one color. At first I thought there may be some problem with the 5200, but none of the other games on the multicart, or regulars carts, do this. As soon as I reset the game the colors are fine. Did the original game do this? Is this the 5200, or is this just a glitch on the multicart?


If anyone has a clue, let me know.

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Yes, that happens on the 5200 Mario Bros game. See the 8:06 mark in this video:



This was the first version of Mario Bros. I ever played, and I always took the color change as indicating things are getting colder and the Slipice will be appearing soon. Not sure if the arcade version does this as well. Now that you point it out, I wonder if the colors had to change because the system can't display too many colors and the change was necessary so the Slipice could be blue instead of green or something else.


I also think it's funny how the floors turn yellow when the Slipice cracks / melts. It's almost like the floors are turned into slippery cheese...

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