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Dumping Unreleased Wing War Cart from Steve DeFrisco


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I received a cartridge from Steve DeFrisco that has the original, unreleased Wing War on it. The cart looks like the original prototype one with a hand-written label on it. When booting the game, there is no title screen or credits; it just jumps right to the game.


He sent it to me as a result of the interview I did with him for Antic (http://ataripodcast.libsyn.com/antic-interview-123-steve-defrisco-wing-war-hero)


I found a dump on AtariMania where someone cracked a ROM of Wing War. I don't know if it's the same thing or not.


Steve also provided a copy of the original manual, dated 1983, which I haven't seen anywhere else on the Internet.


Does anyone have a good way to dump the cart to a file?




Randy Kindig

co-host Antic

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I did a filecopy program in Basic + Asm in the 80s. It also does cartridges though only nonbanked 8 and 16K ones.

Wing War on Atarimania seems to be an ATR, I've also got it on real floppy as a binary file. Fairly sure they're both just cartridge dumps originally.


Chances are it might have some self-destruct code in the program which was common to try and stop people running carts from Ram. Obviously what's out there on disks was cracked so would be different to some degree.

But if you get a dump it could be compared to what's already out there.

Edited by Rybags
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I received a cartridge from Steve DeFrisco that has the original, unreleased Wing War on it. The cart looks like the original prototype one with a hand-written label on it. When booting the game, there is no title screen or credits; it just jumps right to the game.


He sent it to me as a result of the interview I did with him for Antic (http://ataripodcast.libsyn.com/antic-interview-123-steve-defrisco-wing-war-hero)


I found a dump on AtariMania where someone cracked a ROM of Wing War. I don't know if it's the same thing or not.


Steve also provided a copy of the original manual, dated 1983, which I haven't seen anywhere else on the Internet.


Does anyone have a good way to dump the cart to a file?




Randy Kindig

co-host Antic

There is this device.




I have one but have never used it.



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Bit of a spend if it's only to copy 1 cart.


With my program you select the copy cartridge option. Insert the cart when prompted, press a key.

The screen should change colour once the copy is done (couple of seconds). Then remove the cart and press a different key.

The file can then be saved out (the copier should automatically know if it's 8 or 16K).

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  • 5 years later...
  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, FULS said:

I think Ebay. Bought this cart over 8 years ago. I think it's definitely a Homebrew (hack), its in a standard Atari metal cart.

Aliright, good enough; if it works it works; although, they're looking for the original artifact here.


Thanks for sharing.


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  • 1 year later...
On 3/19/2016 at 9:57 AM, Rybags said:

filecopy.bas 3.42 kB · 73 downloads


I did a filecopy program in Basic + Asm in the 80s. It also does cartridges though only nonbanked 8 and 16K ones.

Wing War on Atarimania seems to be an ATR, I've also got it on real floppy as a binary file. Fairly sure they're both just cartridge dumps originally.


Chances are it might have some self-destruct code in the program which was common to try and stop people running carts from Ram. Obviously what's out there on disks was cracked so would be different to some degree.

But if you get a dump it could be compared to what's already out there.

I know, this is an OLD thread!  :). Still trying to get a dump of this cart.  I don't understand how to use a BASIC program to copy a cart on an XL/XE, when the cart overrides BASIC??


Also, how do I get a .BAS program onto a disk image in Atari800MacX?

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It uses hotswap of the cartridge.

The copier has a routine which waits for you to insert it then press a key.  A couple of seconds later the screen should change colour then you remove the cart and press another key.

It should copy non banked 8 and 16K carts that can then be saved to a file.

Generally after that the game might need to have protection removed - many cart games have routines that overwrite that area of memory to try and stop Ram based copies running.

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