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Why am I having such a hard time finding Summer Games?


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At a decent price, primarily.


I've been looking to "finish off" my 7800 collection proper, all the official released games. I've been close for a while and have kind of delayed the gratification. I knew Tank Command would be the last one I get because it is consistently the most expensive 7800 game I see on my primary option, ebay. (And I REALLY wanted Mean 18, so I didn't mind ponying up a bit for that one). So I still need Tank Command.


But my difficulty in finding Summer Games for a price equal to it's supposed rarity has been really baffling to me. I've missed a few completed ones on ebay where I would have bit at the price (like 14$) but many prices are 25+, and I guess my thing is, it's not even LISTED on ebay that often. The rarity guide here at Atariage has it listed as a 3:




But I find that hard to accept. I see 10x the Mario Bros, Ballblazers, Super Hueys and Winter Games (all 3's as well) than I do Summer Games. Do I need to clean my glasses or spend 25 hours on ebay as opposed to 24? What gives?



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The rarity of Summer Games is probably in need of an update. Then again, much would depend on how overall "rarity" is evaluated. Not sure if current availability/accessibility determines a particular rarity (or pricing for that matter).


For instance, the Diagnostic Cart, is pretty high on the rarity list, but for $25.00, a copy of can be snagged at Best right now.


IMHO, Summer Games overall, even going back 15-20 years, seemed less available than Winter Games, but they both have a rarity rating of 3.


Want Summer Games right now? Brand New...$39.95 from Video61.


Otherwise, unfortunately, it may very well be the waiting game with a touch of luck.


Hang in there...There was a time when Commando loose started at $60 - and it was like that for a good number of years. At times now, you can catch it for considerably less. Sold for $39.99, and another copy for $39.95, just the beginning of this month.


Summer Games has sold for $29.00 in March, $29.00 & $11.99 in February, and $14.00 & $19.99 in January. Not a heck of a lot of opportunity on the Bay, but not hopeless either. Probably just a coincidence, but in the last three months it sold between the dates of the 10th thru the 16th.


So perhaps for at least a week in the month of April, more than the usual attention needs to be provided to eBay. ;)

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I hear ya Trebor. It appears to be somewhat opaque on what makes what rare on that scale. I'd have tried for the $14 and $11.99 ones if I had seen them (though when you include shipping they become less attractive). I've got ebay alerts set up for this game in particular, and the 7800 in general, still missed them!


I like cracking open new games but usually don't pay for the privilege, and $40 is way more than I want to spend on this! I have to save up enough for Tank Command some damn day! ;-)

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Does it have to be CIB?


I would sell my copy of Summer Games...Loose cart in good shape...it's been tested and cleaned (Q-Tips, Rubbing Alcohol, duct tape), plays fine...I'm thinking $18 and I'll pay for shipping (padded envelope, bubble wrap), could do a box for shipping if need be...and I can send a pic ...

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Does it have to be CIB?


I would sell my copy of Summer Games...Loose cart in good shape...it's been tested and cleaned (Q-Tips, Rubbing Alcohol, duct tape), plays fine...I'm thinking $18 and I'll pay for shipping (padded envelope, bubble wrap), could do a box for shipping if need be...and I can send a pic ...

Gold, maybe I'll come back to ya but I'm already working on a trade.

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I have killed many of them in the early days of Sirius & Plutos repros. :ponder:


Well...I'd much rather have the Sirius and Plutos I have (thanks to you wiz) than Summer Games.


But damn man, you needed them just for the shells? Where's Pole Position 2 when you need it!!!!


Interesting to think about...will some of the commons we consider doorstops ever become more valuable due to donor use. Hmmm.

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Well...I'd much rather have the Sirius and Plutos I have (thanks to you wiz) than Summer Games.


But damn man, you needed them just for the shells? Where's Pole Position 2 when you need it!!!!


Interesting to think about...will some of the commons we consider doorstops ever become more valuable due to donor use. Hmmm.


No, this was before I designed all my PCB's, Summer Games and Winter Games are the best donors for Sirius & Plutos. Least amount of work with those two.

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Huh! Interesting. Having your own board must make everything easier. My Sirius and Plutos are from your last batch (I think), I guess they have those in them.


Yep, if the PCB's are black, they are rare. I only had 100 of them made, before I expanded the board and went to revision B, which are blue.

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At a decent price, primarily.


I've been looking to "finish off" my 7800 collection proper, all the official released games. I've been close for a while and have kind of delayed the gratification. I knew Tank Command would be the last one I get because it is consistently the most expensive 7800 game I see on my primary option, ebay. (And I REALLY wanted Mean 18, so I didn't mind ponying up a bit for that one). So I still need Tank Command.


But my difficulty in finding Summer Games for a price equal to it's supposed rarity has been really baffling to me. I've missed a few completed ones on ebay where I would have bit at the price (like 14$) but many prices are 25+, and I guess my thing is, it's not even LISTED on ebay that often. The rarity guide here at Atariage has it listed as a 3:




But I find that hard to accept. I see 10x the Mario Bros, Ballblazers, Super Hueys and Winter Games (all 3's as well) than I do Summer Games. Do I need to clean my glasses or spend 25 hours on ebay as opposed to 24? What gives?



Funny you say that. Summer Games was the last title that I needed to finish off my 7800 collection too. Took me a while to find a boxed copy, good luck. It's definitely rarer than lists indicate.

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Yep, if the PCB's are black, they are rare. I only had 100 of them made, before I expanded the board and went to revision B, which are blue.

Mine were ebay bought before I joined atariage so they are 10 years old I think and must be the summer games kinda boards.
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Holy cow, Best needs to re-do their website. I haven't seen that much text dumped on a screen since the late 90's!


The site definitely has been in need of a layout overhaul for quite some time. The listing appears like this for the Diagnostic Cart:


"Atari 7800 US Diagnostic Cartridge. Will display a single 7800 Diagnostic 7800 boot up Screen. Necessary to adjust the 7800 top color pot back to factory color settings. You plug in the Atari 7800 Diagnostic Cartridge and turn on your Atari 7800 console and wait about 5 to 10 seconds for the 7800 Diagnostic screen to appear. CB101195 $25.00"


Approximately, after 10 seconds, this is what the cartridge produces on screen if the console 'passes':




More on the cart, including possible fail (results) is explained in depth here; kudos to Mitch and John.

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