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MiST and Serial

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So I got my MiST in yesterday and got it loaded with the Atari ST cores and images.


I got a USB to serial like this : HERE


I know it works as I had it working just clipping the pins. But I think my color blindness got the better of me and when I soldered it it's a no go.


All connects are good.


I am trying to connect a UDS1100 device up to it.


Has anyone done this with the MiST and possibly has the pinouts that I can use to create a cable?


I thought the pin outs were mapped to the below, but i must have mapped them wrong as now I cannot send AT commands.


DB9 DB25
1 ------> 8
2 -----> 3
3 -----> 2
4 -----> 20
5 -----> 7
6 -----> 6
7 -----> 4
8 -----> 5
9 -----> 22
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Are you trying to use the MiST's support for USB to ethernet, by going USB->Serial DB9, DB9->DB25, and DB25 Serial->ethernet? Several places that could go wrong: you could try the whole thing with a PC first to check that it's wired up correctly.

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Are you trying to use the MiST's support for USB to ethernet, by going USB->Serial DB9, DB9->DB25, and DB25 Serial->ethernet? Several places that could go wrong: you could try the whole thing with a PC first to check that it's wired up correctly.


i have hooked up a USB to Serial to the USB port on the MiST then of course a 9pin serial female from the USB serial connection to the a 25 pin male on the UDS device.


I know the mist system is setup for serial IO in the system settings.


in the terminal program I have made sure its set to 'SERIAL1'.


as I said I saw it working before I had the pins soldered they were just push on pins, but I must have wrote them down wrong.


I thought, correct me if I am wrong, but the ATARI core on the Mist will use a standard serial cable.


I do have a DLINK hub e-100, if there was a terminal I could use to make telent connections to BBS for transfers, etc would be great too.

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