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1040 STfm to Windows 7 or PC Emulator

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Is there a download that enables my Windows 7 64 Laptop (using a Floppy Drive) to run my Master Tracks Pro Sequencer Program for Atari 1040 STfm? I also have an XP Laptop and/or XP Mode for PC and even a Windows 98 Desktop available to use, if necessary - Thanks in advance!

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I'd recommend Steem SSE or Hatari emulators- recent versions of both will run fine on Win7 64:

Getting data from your floppies should be easy if they are PC formatted, if not you could use floppy image or similar if it's not a USB drive: http://atari.8bitchip.info/floimgd.php - last resort would be to send them to another user on the forum who can rip the files from them; I'll do it if you are in Canada, if not you can probably find someone closer.

You can get Master Tracks Pro 3.6 here if you can't get it from the floppy for some reason: http://tamw.atari-users.net/mtpro.htm

I assume you want to connect it to a MIDI device? I think there's a way to setup the emulated ST to use the PC's midi ports (if you have them), Steem has settings for it but I've never done it myself.

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Thanks a million, galax! I just discovered Steem yesterday and now I know it's safe to download - I have a Inspiron 530 Desktop Win7 64 with a floppy drive which I would use to get all info off the flops and on to my C Drive and I assume I'd use the floppy image to do that - Is an Image same as an Emulator program? Also, how do I format a Disc without erasing it (I know I'm starting to sound a bit dim) - I was planning on buying a USB to MIDI in/out Cable to accomplish the end result, unless you have a better way? I will pursue all of your recommendations and if I have some questions, I hope you don't mind if I bug ya a little for answers - I will do my best research b4 asking - Once again, Thanks for all of your help!

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A disk image is a file that contains the data from a floppy disk that your emulator program can use instead of a real floppy disk. Use the .ST file format for most disk images.


Formatting erases the disk, you only need to do it on a blank unused disk to set up the layout of the disk, a bit like drawing the lines and space numbers in an empty car park before you can use it. If you re-format a disk it will ignore the existing format and set it up as if it was a blank disk, losing all data that was on there before even if the disk structure is still the same.


I've never used MIDI with a PC. If you don't get any answers about using MIDI from an emulator on here you could try the Atari Musicians Network Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/atarist/

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galax - Regarding your MTPro "program emulator" great suggestion, I am having difficulty getting that going, as follows:

I was able to install Steem so, show you what I have it said:

Steem SSE 3.8.1 is Installed

Machine: STE (Hope that means STFM, too? - It is changeable to STF - STE was the default)

TOS: v2.06 (aka emutos-512k-0.9.5/etos512k from the Steem site) - (I saw somewhere maybe I should be using 1.02 UK version or is this that one??)

Monitor: Colour (Low/Med Resolution)

ST CPU speed: 8 Megahertz

Active Drives: A, B C {where is B?)

drive speed: Fast

And using the Floimg I saved a MTPro .ST file (aka Image?) to my desktop, but I can't get Steem to open and run it - Do I need another TOS?

If I understand this, I use Floimg to make a MTPro Disc .ST image (which I did and saw it saved as an "ST" image file) and then Steem is used to Run that ST Image (exactly like my Atari did), is this correct? So, rather than obtain my MTPro original Floppy program to make Images, I would use the MTP Image software link you gave me to obtain those, to run it, right? Looks like my main problem is the Steem is not working, I "think" - Sorry for the Looong question! THANKS!

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For beginners I would recommend Steem 3.2 instead Steem SSE . Much less settings - less chances to do something wrong. And it runs almost everything.

In Steem you need to handle ST (and MSA) floppy image files via Disk Manager - mostright icon at top, then navigate to your DIR where images are (better use not Desktop for it),doubleclick will insert it and reset Atari, right click gives more choices. TOS version should be not relevant for most of MIDI SW.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks a lot to everyone who has helped me in this forum - Good eggs all! My final verdict appears to be is that Steem 3.8.1 Works beautifully on my laptop that has Windows XP installed and does Not work (and this is ALL MIDI-WISE-SPEAKING) on my Windows 7 64 bit so, I will just have to stay on the XP for the oldies but goodies - btw, while it was a little better, it did NOT work correctly in XP Mode in my WIn7 machine - I wanted to come back in to Thank all again and to hopefully help someone else - Now, on to Studio Pro 2 for all my new Songs!

Edited by Agussy
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