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Good at Using the 5200 controller


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I just ordered the masterplay and plan on using a Genesis controller with it to play 5200 games, that should alleviate most frustrations since the original controller won't be a factor anymore....at least with most games since I know there are a few where the Genesis controller isnt a viable option!


Masterplay is really nice. I use the Sega arcade fight stick with it and no more issues with games now. Pacman plays beautifully with the adapter and Sega stick.


For missile Command my 5200 controller wouldn't go to all areas on the screen,such as bottom left and bottom right. I watched a youtube video on opening up the Atari 5200 and adjusting the pot,which is really easy to do. You turn it either clockwise(or counter,I forget,sorry) just a tad with a flat head screw driver and thats it. Your stock 5200 controller should work perfectly with the game after that. So maybe try this out if you want a really nice control option for that game. As for games like Tempest,I still use a digital stick,it works pretty well but you never can come to a complete stop,your character with still move slightly. I've adjusted to it by just tapping left and right to focus my aiming on the enemies,it seems to work pretty well.

If you come across anything that has you in complete control and allows you to stop fully then please report back.

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I never had a problem with the stock controllers back in the day. Sure, the buttons would occasionally stop working, but that had happened to my 2600 joysticks as well. I fixed the VCS joysticks before, so I took the 5200 joystick apart and fixed it (tin foil). All pre-Internet, and I wasn't an electronics genius, yet it wasn't a big deal to fix them.


I sold the 5200 in the 80s when I got into computers, but in the 90s I picked one up at a flea market. It came with some stock controllers with non-working buttons, as well as a Wico stick and the Y cable. The Wico stick was fine, but after I fixed the stock controllers I found I preferred using them.


Now that I've had the Best Electronics ones for years, they're the only sticks I use. Works great for me on any game for the 5200, and I can't imagine using another controller for some games, such as Star Raiders. (Although other games do indeed do better with another controller...the 5200 Trak-Ball, God's gift to gaming. :) )

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I have a set of the "Pacman" adapters, a plastic cutout to lockout diagonal directions. It worked okay, but the 5200 controller's real problem are the button contacts failing. Mod with foil on the buttons or getting the gold contacts helps.


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I use 5200 Wico sticks which can manually lock out or lock in the self centering spings. With the springs "on", Pacman works great. I turn the springs "off" for most games; works perfect in duel stick mode of Robotron.


Twinstick games are where the original controllers work very well with the duel controller adapter since the fire buttons are not used.



Edited by CRTGAMER
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I have a set of the "Pacman" adapters, a plastic cutout to lockout diagonal directions. It worked okay, but the 5200 controller's real problem are the button contacts failing. Mod with foil on the buttons or getting the gold contacts helps.


  • post-27490-0-78538600-1463405972_thumb.j

I use 5200 Wico sticks which can manually lock out or lock in the self centering spings. With the springs "on", Pacman works great. I turn the springs "off" for most games; works perfect in duel stick mode of Robotron.


Twinstick games are where the original controllers work very well with the duel controller adapter since the fire buttons are not used.



I remember seeing the Pac-Man centering contraption in the back of magazines. If I remember correctly, I think they were drawings. That may be the first time I have seen a picture . Sweet.


Yes the dual stick holders rock!

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