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Dormant - Development - Done


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The Atari 7800 Homebrews and Hacks Thread has been updated so that each individual entry has a date associated with it as well as a respective status:

Done = Considered completed.

Development = A WIP within a year that shows public activity.

Dormant = A WIP over a year that shows no public activity.

It is amazing, inspiring, and humbling to go through the entries and see the amount of support given to the 7800 platform. Thanks to all those who have ‘homebrewed-hacked’ and those who are ‘homebrewing-hacking’ for the ProSystem console, whether software or hardware, it is truly appreciated.

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There's a lot in the "done" category -- including *not* hacks....no carts have been released though from some of them.... :(



So that means we (most of us anyway) are stuck using emulation until the Concerto ever reaches light of day. Hope Fred's still making some kind of progress with those last few bugs.

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